Back in the day, I enjoyed coding on 8 bit machines, mostly MSX. There is now a Kickstarted project to create a successor machine with some new features: hardware sprites, hardware scrolling, better sound, integrated SD/MMC IO and an ESP8266 for networking.

I will be spending HackWeek 0x10 exploring these new features via Z80 assembly.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

8bit spectrum retro

This project is part of:

Hack Week 16


  • over 7 years ago: a_faerber liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: wstephenson started this project.
  • over 7 years ago: wstephenson added keyword "8bit" to this project.
  • over 7 years ago: wstephenson added keyword "spectrum" to this project.
  • over 7 years ago: wstephenson added keyword "retro" to this project.
  • over 7 years ago: wstephenson originated this project.

  • Comments

    • wstephenson
      over 7 years ago by wstephenson | Reply

      So, results: Built the latest toolchain for Linux, and the spectrum emulator (ZEsarUX) which provides the new features. After a bit of hacking around remembering how to do Z80 assembler, I started poking the Next's new features.

      I got a sprite animation going, but this is about it so far. The Next emulator that works on Linux only supports this one of the new hardware features, but only at about 1/5 speed, and the documentation is out of date. Yesterday, I got added to a private group developing BASIC commands to the new features and a disk operating system for its SD card, but none of this works with the emulator yet. So I think next I'll work on improving my basic Spectrum assembly skills, and wait for the actual FPGA board or solid emulator support.

    • wstephenson
      over 7 years ago by wstephenson | Reply

      UPDATE: I just got accepted to a closed Facebook group where an updated emulator is available, so my code now runs at full speed. Yay!

    • wstephenson
      over 7 years ago by wstephenson | Reply

      UPDATE: I just got accepted to a closed Facebook group where an updated emulator is available, so my code now runs at full speed. Yay!

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