I have already implemented this script in Hackweek18: https://hackweek.suse.com/projects/script-for-generating-openqa-test-group-review-results

I also identified some weaknesses which are listed out as below:

1) Does not support automatic posting review result onto openQA job group webpage

2) Does not emphasize or hightlight product bugs

3) Not enough analysis on less important failure patterns or comment contents

I am going to improve these weaknesses as much as possible.

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Hack Week 19


  • over 4 years ago: cdywan liked this project.
  • over 4 years ago: waynechen55 originated this project.

  • Comments

    • waynechen55
      over 4 years ago by waynechen55 | Reply

      • Git repo https://github.com/waynechen55/openqa-automated-test-result-review

      • openqa-review-result.py

        • Gather test results from test suites in specific job group by their names, status, failed steps, associated tickets and comments
        • Detects availability of autoinst-log.txt and extracts “no match needle” info
        • No failure on ssl verification on opening openQA links
        • Captures exceptions on risky operations and make script proceed afterwards
        • Support given openQA server address and optional post option which indicates submitting review result to openQA job group webpage automatically
      • PostReviewResult.py

        • Uses selenium to implement web browser automation
        • Uses firefox as webdriver
        • Automatic login into openQA by using provided username and password and validates logged in username
        • Verifies submitted review result as expected on openQA job group webpage
        • Captures exceptions at each operation step and print out meaningful messages

    • okurz
      over 4 years ago by okurz | Reply

      If you are interested you can take a look into openqa-review how it handles posting of comments on different targets. Also posting a comment on openQA can be very easy, e.g. see openqa-label-known-issues using the openQA client.

      • waynechen55
        over 4 years ago by waynechen55 | Reply

        I do not think we are talking the same thing. This is about posting job group overall reveiw results onto job group webpage. The one you mentioned does operation on specific job level.

        • okurz
          over 3 years ago by okurz | Reply

          Actually openqa-review operates on the level of job groups as well and is used to post comments on the job group pages.

          • waynechen55
            over 3 years ago by waynechen55 | Reply

            When did you or some else implement such feature ? Can I have your git commit link ?

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