Project Description

Etherpad ( is a nice solution to share documentation online, with many plugins and capabilities to scale out. This project tries to replicate the core components of Etherpad in Elixir, in order to be used in other text based collaborative engines more advanced, using Phoenix LiveView.

Goal for this Hackweek

Create the base image / rpm to run elixir with an specific version in a container using OBS. Run the container in ALP / Dolomite. Make the container run every time the machine boots. Create a core engine that allows online editing with markdown in real time using Live View


Knowledge of OBS

Knowledge of ALP

(optional) knowledge of Elixir / Phoenix / LiveView

For people wanting to play with Phoenix LiveView and create something fun during hackweek

Looking for hackers with the skills:

elixir elixir-lang phoenix alp dolomite obs

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 9 months ago: socon started this project.
  • 9 months ago: socon added keyword "elixir" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: socon added keyword "elixir-lang" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: socon added keyword "phoenix" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: socon added keyword "alp" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: socon added keyword "dolomite" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: socon added keyword "obs" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: socon originated this project.

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