This project aims to run VMs in a CaaSP 4 cluster using kubevirt and a libvirt+qemu container (aka compute container) based on SLES15 SP1/2. Compute containers based on openSUSE Leap15.1 and SLES15 SP1 already available in and respectively. VMs can be deployed to the cluster but there are several functional problems that need investigating, e.g. accessing the VM's serial and VNC consoles, proper network access, etc.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

k8s libvirt bazel containers cloud convergence simplify modernize qemu

This project is part of:

Hack Week 19


  • over 4 years ago: a_faerber liked this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "qemu" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "modernize" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "simplify" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "convergence" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "cloud" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "containers" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "bazel" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "libvirt" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana added keyword "k8s" to this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana joined this project.
  • over 4 years ago: claudiofontana liked this project.
  • over 4 years ago: jfehlig started this project.
  • over 4 years ago: jfehlig originated this project.

  • Comments

    • claudiofontana
      over 4 years ago by claudiofontana | Reply

      Battle is going on over here:

    • claudiofontana
      over 4 years ago by claudiofontana | Reply

      Battle is going on over here: kubevirt battle

    • jfehlig
      over 4 years ago by jfehlig | Reply

      After many frustrating hours we finally have working libvirt+qemu containers based on Leap15.1, Leap15.2, and SLES15 SP1! These containers can be deployed to a CaaSP 4 cluster with kubevirt extensions and subsequently be used to run virtual machines in the cluster. The virtual machines are deployed with 'kubectl apply -f vm.yaml', similar to other kubernetes services. The containers are published to and, from the following projects

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