Project Description

I work in part-time, the rest of the time, I try to write songs. I don't feel inspired for hacking on my music days, and vice versa, I don't feel like composing after a day of IT work. So, I failed so far to organize my musical data properly.

My composition method is mainly either to find quiet time alone, "listen" to melodies that may come to my mind, record (sing) those on my phone, then later try to find lyrics inspired by that melody. Or, I write some poem and then try to find a melody that will stick to it. I don't use solfege, it's not enough intuitive at my level. I regularly upload those melodies to MS Onedrive, and write texts from MS word 360. Sometimes, I also get inspiration for some instrumentation.


  • no cost at all
  • accessible from anywhere
  • allows public or private read-only sharing of a specific text or melody.


  • chaotic. I rarely link a melody to a text, and there is no proper classification.
  • manual sporadic backup, could lead to some losses. I tried to atuomate the backup in Onedrive app, but somehow it does not work, as I get regularly de-authenticated.

Goal for this Hackweek


  • Organize this data, make sure it gets backed-up properly.

Optional, if there is time left:

  • evaluate other cost-free solutions to host my stuff, would be great if it could be not proprietary GAFAM stuff.
  • evaluate buidling a phone or app that would interact with the selected free cloud hosting's API (eg Onedrive or google drive.)

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 22


  • about 2 years ago: JRivrain originated this project.

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