Project Description

Terraform's remote backend requires a Terraform Cloud account and has an initial limited offering. While the initial offering is suitable for small resource management and teams this quickly becomes an issue as usage demands increase. In addition Terraform's remote operations (plan,apply, etc) are executed on HashiCorp's cloud resources which present issues for sensitive data such as passwords and access keys. Users are also constrained to as what tooling is available on the remote execution environment for example having kubectl as part of a local-resource. This project aims to address these shortcomings in a native Kubernetes implementation.

Goal for this Hackweek

  • Have remote plan and apply operations execution handled in Kubernetes
  • State management: locking and storage
  • Logging: execution output (plan and apply)
  • User interface: view execution output and approve apply operations
  • Helm chart for deploying project

Stretch Goals

  • Trigger plan on Github PR


We hope to take the rancher terraform-controller and add a REST API to it to speak Terraform Cloud (sometimes called tfe or terraform enterprise in their docs). We should be able to deploy the controller and write HCL with a backend remote hostname to this new API and run terraform plan/apply from your desktop and use resources in your k8s cluster.


Looking for hackers with the skills:

terraform kubernetes

This project is part of:

Hack Week 20


  • almost 4 years ago: ckim joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: wgodfrey joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: moio liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: hbarnes joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: luthermonson liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: rkirkpatrick joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: nroberts liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: luthermonson joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: nroberts joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: cluse started this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: nroberts added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: nroberts added keyword "terraform" to this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: nroberts originated this project.

  • Comments

    • moio
      almost 4 years ago by moio | Reply

      Out of curiosity, how did this project go?

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    Rancher/k8s Trouble-Maker by tonyhansen

    Project Description

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    Goal for this Hackweek

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    SUSE AI Meets the Game Board by moio

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    A chameleon playing chess in a train car, as a metaphor of SUSE AI applied to games

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    A screenshot of k9s and nvtop showing PyTAG running in Kubernetes with GPU acceleration

    ./ and voilà - Kubernetes running PyTAG (k9s, above) with GPU acceleration (nvtop, below)

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    • Game Modeling: We implemented models for Dario's "Bamboo" and Silvio's "Totoro" and "R3" games, enabling AI agents to play thousands of games minutes!
    • AI-driven optimization: By analyzing statistical data on moves, strategies, and outcomes, we iteratively tweaked the game mechanics and rules to achieve better balance and player engagement.
    • Advanced analytics: Leveraging AI agents with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and random action selection, we compared performance metrics to identify optimal strategies and uncover opportunities for game refinement .

    Cards from the three games

    A family picture of our card games in progress. From the top: Bamboo, Totoro, R3

    Results: Learning, Collaboration, and Innovation

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    • "Trio programming" with AI assistance: Our "trio programming" approach—two developers and GitHub Copilot—was a standout success, especially in handling slightly-repetitive but not-quite-exactly-copypaste tasks. Java as a language tends to be verbose and we found it to be fitting particularly well.
    • AI tools for reporting and documentation: We extensively used AI chatbots to streamline writing and reporting. (Including writing this report! ...but this note was added manually during edit!)
    • GPU compute expertise: Overcoming challenges with CUDA drivers and cloud infrastructure deepened our understanding of GPU-accelerated workloads in the open-source ecosystem.
    • Game design as a learning platform: By blending AI techniques with creative game design, we learned not only about AI strategies but also about making games fun, engaging, and balanced.

    Last but not least we had a lot of fun! ...and this was definitely not a chatbot generated line!

    The Context: AI + Board Games

    Testing and adding GNU/Linux distributions on Uyuni by juliogonzalezgil

    Join the Gitter channel!

    Uyuni is a configuration and infrastructure management tool that saves you time and headaches when you have to manage and update tens, hundreds or even thousands of machines. It also manages configuration, can run audits, build image containers, monitor and much more!

    Currently there are a few distributions that are completely untested on Uyuni or SUSE Manager (AFAIK) or just not tested since a long time, and could be interesting knowing how hard would be working with them and, if possible, fix whatever is broken.

    For newcomers, the easiest distributions are those based on DEB or RPM packages. Distributions with other package formats are doable, but will require adapting the Python and Java code to be able to sync and analyze such packages (and if salt does not support those packages, it will need changes as well). So if you want a distribution with other packages, make sure you are comfortable handling such changes.

    No developer experience? No worries! We had non-developers contributors in the past, and we are ready to help as long as you are willing to learn. If you don't want to code at all, you can also help us preparing the documentation after someone else has the initial code ready, or you could also help with testing :-)

    The idea is testing Salt and Salt-ssh clients, but NOT traditional clients, which are deprecated.

    To consider that a distribution has basic support, we should cover at least (points 3-6 are to be tested for both salt minions and salt ssh minions):

    1. Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    2. Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap scritp, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator)
    3. Package management (install, remove, update...)
    4. Patching
    5. Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    6. Salt remote commands
    7. Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement
    8. Bonus point: sumaform enablement (
    9. Bonus point: Documentation (
    10. Bonus point: testsuite enablement (

    If something is breaking: we can try to fix it, but the main idea is research how supported it is right now. Beyond that it's up to each project member how much to hack :-)

    • If you don't have knowledge about some of the steps: ask the team
    • If you still don't know what to do: switch to another distribution and keep testing.

    This card is for EVERYONE, not just developers. Seriously! We had people from other teams helping that were not developers, and added support for Debian and new SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE Leap versions :-)



    FUSS is a complete GNU/Linux solution (server, client and desktop/standalone) based on Debian for managing an educational network.

    Seems to be a Debian 12 derivative, so adding it could be quite easy.

    • [W] Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    • [W] Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap script, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator) --> Working for all 3 options (salt minion UI, salt minion bootstrap script and salt-ssh minion from the UI).
    • [W] Package management (install, remove, update...) --> Installing a new package works, needs to test the rest.
    • [I] Patching (if patch information is available, could require writing some code to parse it, but IIRC we have support for Ubuntu already). No patches detected. Do we support patches for Debian at all?
    • [W] Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    • [W] Salt remote commands
    • [ ] Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement

    terraform-provider-feilong by e_bischoff

    Project Description

    People need to test operating systems and applications on s390 platform.

    Installation from scratch solutions include:

    • just deploy and provision manually add-emoji (with the help of ftpboot script, if you are at SUSE)
    • use s3270 terminal emulation (used by openQA people?)
    • use LXC from IBM to start CP commands and analyze the results
    • use zPXE to do some PXE-alike booting (used by the orthos team?)
    • use tessia to install from scratch using autoyast
    • use libvirt for s390 to do some nested virtualization on some already deployed z/VM system
    • directly install a Linux kernel on a LPAR and use kvm + libvirt from there

    Deployment from image solutions include:

    • use ICIC web interface (openstack in disguise, contributed by IBM)
    • use ICIC from the openstack terraform provider (used by Rancher QA)
    • use zvm_ansible to control SMAPI
    • connect directly to SMAPI low-level socket interface

    IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center (ICIC) harnesses the Feilong API, but you can use Feilong without installing ICIC, provided you set up a "z/VM cloud connector" into one of your VMs following this schema.

    What about writing a terraform Feilong provider, just like we have the terraform libvirt provider? That would allow to transparently call Feilong from your files to deploy and destroy resources on your system/z.

    Other Feilong-based solutions include:

    • make libvirt Feilong-aware
    • simply call Feilong from shell scripts with curl
    • use zvmconnector client python library from Feilong
    • use zthin part of Feilong to directly command SMAPI.

    Goal for Hackweek 23

    My final goal is to be able to easily deploy and provision VMs automatically on a z/VM system, in a way that people might enjoy even outside of SUSE.

    My technical preference is to write a terraform provider plugin, as it is the approach that involves the least software components for our deployments, while remaining clean, and compatible with our existing development infrastructure.

    Goals for Hackweek 24

    Feilong provider works and is used internally by SUSE Manager team. Let's push it forward!

    Let's add support for fiberchannel disks and multipath.

    Goals for Hackweek 25

    • Finish support for fiberchannel disks and multipath
    • Fix problems with registration on hashicorp providers registry

    Contribute to terraform-provider-libvirt by pinvernizzi


    The SUSE Manager (SUMA) teams' main tool for infrastructure automation, Sumaform, largely relies on terraform-provider-libvirt. That provider is also widely used by other teams, both inside and outside SUSE.

    It would be good to help the maintainers of this project and give back to the community around it, after all the amazing work that has been already done.

    If you're interested in any of infrastructure automation, Terraform, virtualization, tooling development, Go (...) it is also a good chance to learn a bit about them all by putting your hands on an interesting, real-use-case and complex project.


    • Get more familiar with Terraform provider development and libvirt bindings in Go
    • Solve some issues and/or implement some features
    • Get in touch with the community around the project


    Learn enough Golang and hack on CoreDNS by jkuzilek


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    To remedy this issue, a simple filtering mechanism has to be implemented.


    • Learn an acceptable amount of Golang
    • Implement GatewayClass (and IngressClass) filtering for k8s_gateway
    • Deploy on homelab cluster
    • Profit?


    EDIT: Feature mostly complete. An unfinished PR lies here. Successfully tested working on homelab cluster.

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    • Power management
    • Boot device selection
    • Virtual media mount (this one is not so basic add-emoji )


    SUSE AI Meets the Game Board by moio

    Use’s open source TAG and PyTAG frameworks to apply Statistical Forward Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning to two board games of our own design. On an all-green, all-open source, all-AWS stack!
    A chameleon playing chess in a train car, as a metaphor of SUSE AI applied to games

    Results: Infrastructure Achievements

    We successfully built and automated a containerized stack to support our AI experiments. This included:

    A screenshot of k9s and nvtop showing PyTAG running in Kubernetes with GPU acceleration

    ./ and voilà - Kubernetes running PyTAG (k9s, above) with GPU acceleration (nvtop, below)

    Results: Game Design Insights

    Our project focused on modeling and analyzing two card games of our own design within the TAG framework:

    • Game Modeling: We implemented models for Dario's "Bamboo" and Silvio's "Totoro" and "R3" games, enabling AI agents to play thousands of games minutes!
    • AI-driven optimization: By analyzing statistical data on moves, strategies, and outcomes, we iteratively tweaked the game mechanics and rules to achieve better balance and player engagement.
    • Advanced analytics: Leveraging AI agents with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and random action selection, we compared performance metrics to identify optimal strategies and uncover opportunities for game refinement .

    Cards from the three games

    A family picture of our card games in progress. From the top: Bamboo, Totoro, R3

    Results: Learning, Collaboration, and Innovation

    Beyond technical accomplishments, the project showcased innovative approaches to coding, learning, and teamwork:

    • "Trio programming" with AI assistance: Our "trio programming" approach—two developers and GitHub Copilot—was a standout success, especially in handling slightly-repetitive but not-quite-exactly-copypaste tasks. Java as a language tends to be verbose and we found it to be fitting particularly well.
    • AI tools for reporting and documentation: We extensively used AI chatbots to streamline writing and reporting. (Including writing this report! ...but this note was added manually during edit!)
    • GPU compute expertise: Overcoming challenges with CUDA drivers and cloud infrastructure deepened our understanding of GPU-accelerated workloads in the open-source ecosystem.
    • Game design as a learning platform: By blending AI techniques with creative game design, we learned not only about AI strategies but also about making games fun, engaging, and balanced.

    Last but not least we had a lot of fun! ...and this was definitely not a chatbot generated line!

    The Context: AI + Board Games

    Integrate Backstage with Rancher Manager by nwmacd


    Backstage ( is an open-source, CNCF project that allows you to create your own developer portal. There are many plugins for Backstage.

    This could be a great compliment to Rancher Manager.


    Learn and experiment with Backstage and look at how this could be integrated with Rancher Manager. Goal is to have some kind of integration completed in this Hack week.


    Screen shot of home page at the end of Hackweek:


    Day One

    • Got Backstage running locally, understanding configuration with HTTPs.
    • Got Backstage embedded in an IFRAME inside of Rancher
    • Added content into the software catalog (see:
    • Understood more about the entity model

    Day Two

    • Connected Backstage to the Rancher local cluster and configured the Kubernetes plugin.
    • Created Rancher theme to make the light theme more consistent with Rancher


    Days Three and Day Four

    • Created two backend plugins for Backstage:

      1. Catalog Entity Provider - this imports users from Rancher into Backstage
      2. Auth Provider - uses the proxied sign-in pattern to check the Rancher session cookie, to user that to authenticate the user with Rancher and then log them into Backstage by connecting this to the imported User entity from the catalog entity provider plugin.
    • With this in place, you can single-sign-on between Rancher and Backstage when it is deployed within Rancher. Note this is only when running locally for development at present



    Day Five

    • Start to build out a production deployment for all of the above
    • Made some progress, but hit issues with the authentication and proxying when running proxied within Rancher, which needs further investigation

    ddflare: (Dynamic)DNS management via Cloudflare API in Kubernetes by fgiudici


    ddflare is a project started a couple of weeks ago to provide DDNS management using v4 Cloudflare APIs: Cloudflare offers management via APIs and access tokens, so it is possible to register a domain and implement a DynDNS client without any other external service but their API.

    Since ddflare allows to set any IP to any domain name, one could manage multiple A and ALIAS domain records. Wouldn't be cool to allow full DNS control from the project and integrate it with your Kubernetes cluster?


    Main goals are:

    1. add containerized image for ddflare
    2. extend ddflare to be able to add and remove DNS records (and not just update existing ones)
    3. add documentation, covering also a sample pod deployment for Kubernetes
    4. write a ddflare Kubernetes operator to enable domain management via Kubernetes resources (using kubebuilder)

    Available tasks and improvements tracked on ddflare github.

