I'm hearing impaired. Where others have no issues following talks or dicussions, I often fail even grasp the bottom line what it's about. I've got hearing aids, but they help only so much. I also have an add-on device for my hearing aids that acts like a bluetooth headset. Unfortunately, making this thing work under my Linux desktop has been an ongoing, frustrating struggle. On the contrary, it works flawlessly with Android devices of different generations, and even with my lowly Gigaset phone. Actually, the thing works better with older kernels/Linux versions than with current TW.

While I've little hope to solve the bluetooth audio issues on Linux for good, I hope at least to be able to understand better what's going wrong, and be able to slow down or even stop the deterioration I've observed lately.

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  • about 5 years ago: mkubecek liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: keichwa liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: fcrozat liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: namtrac started this project.
  • about 5 years ago: mwilck originated this project.

  • Comments

    • fcrozat
      about 5 years ago by fcrozat | Reply

      A lot of the issues regarding bluetooth audio on Linux are due to some codec missing.

      There is two different initiatives in that regard, one to fix pulseaudio upstream with those codecs, another as a replacement plugin for pulseaudio bluetooth.

      https://jira.suse.com/browse/SLE-8041 has some elements, https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:aginies:bluetoothHD has some other elements.

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