Longhorn UI Extension (POC)a project by yiya.chen DescriptionThe goal is to create a Longhorn UI extension within Rancher using existing resources. |
Enlightenment Themesa project by simotek I have several themes in progress, they all need lots of work before they could be used with openSUSE. * The gtk people keep changing things so the gtk theme I use to match my enlightenment theme also needs fixing. |
Emacs org-mode (learning)a project by keichwa From the manual: |
Check health of my openSUSE packagesan invention by pluskalm
Better default conky themea project by simotek As per the title I am aiming to investigate a much nicer conky default, I have a short list, but it depends on asking people nicely to license there work, if I have to create something from scratch it probably won't happen this hackweek. |
Write an url shortener in Rust (And learn in the way)a project by szarate So I have 469.icu :), it's currently doing nothing... (and for sale) but in the meantime, I'd like to write an url shortener from scratch and deploy it on my own server |
Install Uyuni on Kubernetes in cloud-native wayan invention by cbosdonnat Description |