Automation of ABI compatibility checksa project by ateixeira DescriptionABI compatibility checks could be further automated by using the OBS API to download built RPMs and using existing tools to analyze ABI compatibility between the libraries contained in those packages. This project aims to explore these possibilities and figure out a way to make ABI checks as painless and fast as possible for package maintainers. |
suse-rancher-supportconfigan invention by eminguez Description |
Learning VMWare vsphere, vsan and esx upgrades.a project by uschairer DescriptionLearning VMWare vsphere, vsan and esx upgrades. |
MicroOS/SL Micro health-checks for K3s/RKE2a project by eminguez Description |
Officially Become a Kernel Hacker!an invention by m.crivellari DescriptionMy studies as well my spare time are dedicated to the Linux Kernel. |
Design the new UI for storage configuration at Agamaan invention by ancorgs Description |
Modularization and Modernization of cifs.ko for Enhanced SMB Protocol Supporta project by hcarvalho Creator: |
Automate PR processa project by idplscalabrini DescriptionThis project is to streamline and enhance the pr review process by adding automation for identifying some issues like missing comments, identifying sensitive information in the PRs like credentials. etc. By leveraging GitHub Actions and golang hooks we can focus more on high-level reviews |
Editor mode at Agama web interfacean invention by ancorgs Description |
Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.xan invention by psimons Description |
Support FIDO2 and TPM2 in a full disk encryption based on systemda project by aplanas Description |
Improve ip address administration in a SUSE lab environemnta project by fmherschel Description |
Enabling Rancher as an OIDC Provideran invention by rcabello DescriptionKubernetes supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) natively as an authentication mechanism, enabling token-based user authentication. This can be configured through flags in the Kubernetes API server or by using AuthenticationConfiguration. |
Docker Desktop Extension for Application Collectiona project by pcaraballo DescriptionDocker and Docker Desktop are the tools of choice for most of developers when it comes to container runtime and management in local environments. Both have been out there for many years, and users are well familiarized with them, so both are great catalysts for adopting new solutions. |
iSCSI integration in Warewulfa project by ncuralli Description |
Enhancements of Linux kernel debugging toolsa project by firoyang DescriptionImprove our daily used debugging tools: crash-utility, drgn, kdump, makedumpfile, and so on. |
Learn enough Golang and hack on CoreDNSa project by jkuzilek DescriptionI'm implementing a split-horizon DNS for my home Kubernetes cluster to be able to access my internal (and external) services over the local network through public domains. I managed to make a PoC with the k8s_gateway plugin for CoreDNS. However, I soon found out it responds with IPs for all Gateways assigned to HTTPRoutes, publishing public IPs as well as the internal Loadbalancer ones. |
Longhorn UI Extension (POC)a project by yiya.chen DescriptionThe goal is to create a Longhorn UI extension within Rancher using existing resources. |