evaluate file recovery toolsan invention by jdsn DescriptionUse a real broken hard disk to test the recovery methods of data recovery tools (photorec and foremost). |
COCONUT-SVSM User-Mode Executiona project by joro Description |
Lumactla project by dspinella DescriptionCreate a tool to handle backlight and external monitors on Linux. |
Agama installer on-line demoa project by lslezak Description |
SUSE SecureUp!a project by jsegooa DescriptionSUSE SecureUp! is a multifaceted hackweek project aimed at significantly increasing cybersecurity and privacy awareness both within SUSE and amongst our external stakeholders (customers and potential future employees). This will be achieved through targeted initiatives focused on education, engagement, and skill development, with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of security and privacy in today's digital landscape. |
Fix the GNOME Crosswords flatpakan invention by federico-mena Description |
Implement support for Alpine Linux in the build servicea project by mlschroe DescriptionAlpine Linux is often used for containers, as it's base system has very few dependencies and is therefore very small. The Open Build Service does not work with Alpine, as Alpine has their own package format that is currently not understood by OBS. |
Study for CKS certificationa project by mkravec DescriptionThis hack week I self-study for CKS certification. |
Contribute to crust-gatheran invention by tneau Descriptioncrust-gather is a great tool to collect state information on a Kubernetes cluster, to be later able to serve it offline. This eases troubleshooting of CI workflows on cloud-native apps. |
file-organizer: A CLI Tool for Efficient File Managementa project by okhatavkar Description |