Currently I am using astroberry server for all my astroprojects. I have a spare RPi 4, so will try to install opensuse leap on it and configure it so I could use it for my astro projects.

Plan is:

  • set up RPi 4 with opensuse leap
  • install indi server, gphoto2, Kstars
  • some field testing / hope there will be good weather /
  • process the data and paste some results

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Hack Week 20


  • almost 4 years ago: ph03nix liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: martinsmac joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: pstivanin started this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: rmaliska originated this project.

  • Comments

    • pstivanin
      almost 4 years ago by pstivanin | Reply

      Cool! I didn't know you were into astrophotography too :) If you have a chance to test , that'd be nice! I'm also planning on testing on my RPi 4b 4gb as soon as the 2nd sdcard arrives. I'll be testing ioptron mount and an asi camera

    • martinsmac
      almost 4 years ago by martinsmac | Reply

      Great, I am have a small setup with RPi 3b+ and astroberry.

    • rmaliska
      almost 4 years ago by rmaliska | Reply

      Progress: get RPi4 - check, install leap 15.3 - check / after 1,5h installation got error that there is no space on the 128GB uSD card for Grub - took it as joke / , install Kstars - check, now here comes the fun part, Kstars package comes just with some basic indi drivers, which does not include those that I need :D so will have to compile them and get it work. @pstivanin actualy more into photometry - variable stars, but I have a astromod Canon DSLR now, so will try astrophoto also. Ok will have a look at it, thx. @martinsmac yes me too, but even the astroberry is working like a charm I wanted to test also leap, even I know it wont be that easy as the PRi 4B 4GB I am using for this project is pretty damn slow with leap.

    • rmaliska
      almost 4 years ago by rmaliska | Reply

      Test results: as there was just one night with clear sky here I made a test of both opensuse leap and astroberry on the same HW. Connecting to leap was a bit slow / vnc / and also opening of apps like Kstars took more time than it should. After setting up indi drivers / all connected devices found / the "workprocess" was more or less good. Astroberry on the other hand - its way faster.

    • rmaliska
      almost 4 years ago by rmaliska | Reply

      will continue with this project in my free time to find out the cause why leap is slower than I would like to have it. And also regarding the packages.

    • rmaliska
      over 3 years ago by rmaliska | Reply

      a short timelapse from testing night / before my camera's battery died /

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