Project Description

The folks at Asahi linux have been working on porting linux on the Apple Silicon. In a recent blog post they announced they will be joining forces with Fedora on releasing a Fedora Asahi Remix. I would be happy to see this level of collaboration between Asahi and openSUSE community, too.

Goal for this Hackweek

Ideally, create an openSUSE spin that would benefit from the great work of the Asahi linux folks. A minimum requirement for success - is reaching out to them, and talk about the partnership opportunity.


I need help from the openSUSE board. Looks like Neal, wearing his Fedora, was already in contact with them. add-emoji

A few openSUSE hackers might be interested in experimenting with the stuff available in Asahi Linux repos.

Note: I doubt that I would be able to deliver anything useful for this project, but would be happy to take the challenge if anyone finds any use for me.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

applesilicon asahilinux opensusespin opensuse apple

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 9 months ago: binary_sequence liked this project.
  • 9 months ago: ggardet_arm liked this project.
  • 9 months ago: itorres liked this project.
  • 9 months ago: mbrugger liked this project.
  • 9 months ago: dgedon liked this project.
  • 10 months ago: bfilho liked this project.
  • 10 months ago: eminguez liked this project.
  • 11 months ago: Pharaoh_Atem liked this project.
  • 11 months ago: livdywan liked this project.
  • 11 months ago: livdywan started this project.
  • 11 months ago: vgrinco added keyword "opensuse" to this project.
  • 11 months ago: vgrinco added keyword "apple" to this project.
  • 11 months ago: vgrinco added keyword "applesilicon" to this project.
  • 11 months ago: vgrinco added keyword "asahilinux" to this project.
  • 11 months ago: vgrinco added keyword "opensusespin" to this project.
  • 11 months ago: vgrinco originated this project.

  • Comments

    • vgrinco
      11 months ago by vgrinco | Reply

      @Pharaoh_Atem hoping to get a reaction on this one add-emoji

    • livdywan
      11 months ago by livdywan | Reply

      Very cool project. I'm an early tester of Fedora Remix. No idea what's required to enable openSUSE, though.

    • Pharaoh_Atem
      11 months ago by Pharaoh_Atem | Reply

      This would certainly be cool to do. add-emoji

    • mbrugger
      9 months ago by mbrugger | Reply

      I suppose the first thing would be to understand the installer script to see where we could plug-in our openSUSE bits

    • mgrossu
      9 months ago by mgrossu | Reply

      I found a port of openSUSE on GitHub:

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