Project Description

The Leap built ftp-tree is from a customized kiwi file, the ignored packages listed in this kiwi file is according to a predefined packagelist, not like openSUSE Tumbleweed or any other openSUSE distribution, this NON_FTP_PACKAGES file is auto-generated by a script - skippkg-finder, skippkg-finder don't support different conditional scenario, in other words, not handle the ignores for specific architecture, we found out we need this feature for some special cases, like binary rpm doesn't have an corresponding source rpm on an specific arch, the goal is aim to implement the conditional scenario support in skippkg-finder then it can generate a proper ignored packagelist into NON_FTP_PACKAGES file, and converted to a matched ignored packages into the ftp-tree file eventually.

Goal for this Hackweek

Implementing the conditional scenario support in skippkg-finder then it can generate a proper ignored packagelist inject to NONFTPPACKAGES file, and eventually to be converted to a matched ignored packages into the ftp-tree file. The pre-defined data of an scenario will be stored at the project attribute OSRT:Config as same as other attributes skippkg-finder used.


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Hack Week 22


  • about 2 years ago: mlin7442 started this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mlin7442 originated this project.

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