Projects in the topic speech

Jessy: it is like Alexa, but closer to you

a project by bmaryniuk

Alexa understands you. Jessy is the same, but you also understand her! :-)

Everyone loves to talk to the computer. Especially if it understands you. :-) So the Amazon Alexa is a hype right now. However, it requires your marriage to Amazon and signing contract to sell your soul in the afterlife: Alexa is nothing but a fancy microphone that sends everything you speak to ̶F̶B̶I̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶C̶I̶A̶ Amazon cloud so it will access your public API. Yes, and give them your access rights, of course...

Updated about 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

[IDEA] Use Mozilla's DeepSpeech to automate minute take for meetings

a project by aplanas

Mozilla's DeepSpeech project[1] is using TensorFlow and some paper from Baidu to make an open source speech to text system, based on deep learning (TensorFlow). The current project allow the training for own local datasets, but also there is a pre-trained model that can be used during the development. The goal of the project is:

Updated about 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.