Projects in the topic llvm

Learn rtags (vim-rtags) how to properly do code completion based on LLVM API

an idea by marxin

Both YouCompleteMe and rtags are powerful tools that provide useful IDE features to both VIM and Emacs editors. Both use llvm front-end in order to provide code completion hints. Suggestion based on YCM are fine, however I believe that rtags is better tool because it has a concept of project and provides for instance GoToDefinition command, one that's not supported by YCM. Goal of the project is to provide better code completion hints for rtags, where one has to filter out and sort results given by the FE. Apart from that, calling code completion for 'myvar.myf^', LLVM prefer to be given 'my_var.^', as it understands one expects member function and variables.

Updated about 7 years ago. No love. Has no hacker: grab it!

Tungsten: A low-level LLVM programming language

a project by mfriedrich

Project Description

> Tungsten is supposed to be a memory-safe and type-safe language front-end for LLVM which borrows many elements from C and C# syntax.

Updated 6 months ago. No love. 2 followers.