Inqlude, the Qt software archivea project by cschum During Hack Week 7 I worked on an archive of Qt-based libraries. The goal was to easily make all available Qt libraries accessible to developers. Think CPAN for Qt. So I hacked on a web site and a command line client. |
An experimental tiny WM of Waylandan idea by NalaGinrut Wayland would replace X11 in the future (maybe soon?), we're researching/learning Wayland. And I planed to try a tiny Window Manager of Wayland for a practice. It's meaningful I think, since there's little independent WM for Wayland, except for Mutter which is a part of Gnome desktop environment. |
detect and visualise git commits' patch-based dependenciesa project by aspiers It is well-known that two git commits within a single repo can be independent from each other, by changing separate files to each other, or changing separate parts of the same file(s). Conversely when a commit changes a line, it is "dependent" on not only the commit which last changed that line, but also any commits which were responsible for providing the surrounding lines of context, because without those previous versions of the line and its context, the commit's diff would not cleanly apply. |
Generate branches in kernel.git and kernel-source.git trees to match provided kernel PTFsan idea by sleep_walker Current status |
Create tool for applying patches from kernel-source.git against OBS kernel projecta record by sleep_walker Sometimes we get from Labs team patch from kernel-source.git. It is nice as it contains not only patch against expended kernel tree, but also changes series.conf and changes file and identical patch is in GIT. Unfortunately it always leads to conflicts, tarballs need to be extracted and then repacked so most of the job is done manually. |
Add github and/or gitlab support to Zuulan idea by aspiers UPDATE: it turns out that people upstream are already working on this, so the idea would be to join that work. |
Implement git-explode to untangle linear sequence of commits into multiple independent topic branchesa project by aspiers Automate the process described here: |
gitFS supportan idea by jsmeix For certain directories (e.g. his own documents or /etc/) it would be nice to know who changed what and when (e.g. in /etc/) |
Extend urlwatch to support monitoring of GitHub (and other git) reposan idea by kbabioch I'm currently using urlwatch to watch for new releases in upstream projects. It monitors the output of a URL and notifies you about any changes. This works fine for URLs, but there is currently no official support for GitHub. Due to the nature of the GitHub webpages, there is a some change each time you access the page and it is difficult to come up with the right set of filters. |
git-based mail clientan idea by KGronlund I want to create a more modern mail storage format, which leverages git and tagging instead of folders to manage my mail. |
Git stochastic bisectiona project by jankara Bisection is a well known method of localizing which commit caused a regression in a code repository. git-bisect is a particularly used tool for this problem in git repositories. However it is often the case that the failure is probabilistic in nature - either because we don't have a reliable reproducer of the failure and thus not reproducing a problem on a particular commit does not mean the problem is not still present there, or because of inherent variability of e.g. performance regressions. Bisection for such failures is problematic as it takes only one false result for the bisection to end up in an unrelated part of code history. So in these cases we usually have to heavily extend runtime of a reproducer or do multiple test runs or multiple bisection runs to minimize a chance of error. |
Tinker with mirror, a tool to watch and backup source code repositoriesan invention by andreas-kupries Project Description |
Package workflow experimentsa project by jfehlig |
Sign me off|inan invention by mkoutny |
Containerized git server/client for playground and tutorialsa project by mberti |
Explore the integration between OBS and GitHuba project by pdostal Project Description |
obs_scm_demoan invention by smithfarm Project Description |
Port git-fixup to POSIX shell script and submit to git/gitan invention by mcepl Description is an exceedingly useful program, which I use daily, and I would love to every git user could bask in its awesomeness. Alas, it is a bash script, so it is not appropriate for the inclusion in git proper. |