Projects in the topic dracut

Resistance is Futile - Using zypper to "upgrade" CentOS/RHEL to openSUSE/SLES

a project by RBrownSUSE

zypper is magic

Updated almost 5 years ago. 23 hacker ♥️.

Boot system from Ceph RADOS Block Device

an idea by dmdiss

Write a new Dracut module which adds support for booting a system where the root filesystem resides on a remote RBD image.

Updated over 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

openSUSE on ZoL from OpenZFS project

a project by jkohoutek

Idea is to have SUSE system with OpenZFS as root FS.

Updated over 2 years ago. 10 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.

Setup root-encrypted server to provide password via ssh

an invention by holgisms

You can encrypt your servers root filesystem, but need to provide a password during the boot process in order to "unlock" and start the system. This is easy if you have physical access to the server by entering it via keyboard. But if you do not have physical access it's not that easy.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.