Projects in the topic angular
Angular is a TypeScript-based free and open-source web application framework

Re-architecting Jangouts data/events model

an invention by IGonzalezSosa

During the last GSoC, Jangouts was ported to work on Angular 2. Among other goodies, like the component-based approach or ditching the $scope thingie, Angular 2 leverages the use of observables thanks to its integration with RxJS. However, when the project started, our student (who did a great job) had to fight^Wwork with a beta version of Angular 2 and, unfortunatelly, the API changed before the release of the final version.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Improving Jangouts UX

an invention by IGonzalezSosa

For some of us, Jangouts has become a tool we use everyday. It works (most of the time) and it helps to reduce the impact of having a distributed team. In the past, Jangouts developers were busy making it to work. But, unfortunately, they didn't pay attention to UX. So the idea of this project is to invest some time trying to improve usability and make Jangouts looks better.

Updated about 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

Bugzilla Sync for Taiga

an idea by suntorytimed

What is Taiga? On the first view Taiga ( is a open source Trello replacement. On the second it is way more than that. Taiga does offer a lot more integration into Scrum and Kanban Workflow than Trello could ever do (even if you would pay for all those neat power-ups). Taiga is offered as hosted and self-hosted (as it is completely open source) and does offer all features in payed and free accounts on the hosted solution. Unlike tools like Gitlab where there are premium features that are held back for the enterprise offering this tool is developed in the open (

Updated over 4 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

FATE sync for Taiga

an idea by suntorytimed

What is Taiga? On the first view Taiga ( is a open source Trello replacement. On the second it is way more than that. Taiga does offer a lot more integration into Scrum and Kanban Workflow than Trello could ever do (even if you would pay for all those neat power-ups). Taiga is offered as hosted and self-hosted (as it is completely open source) and does offer all features in payed and free accounts on the hosted solution. Unlike tools like Gitlab where there are premium features that are held back for the enterprise offering this tool is developed in the open (

Updated over 4 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower. Has no hacker: grab it!

JetPad - Online collaborative text editor

a project by ammartinez

At SUSE/openSUSE we are using (at least some times) Etherpad, whose functionality is really limited and looks as taken from the past. :seenoevil: After taking a look to other possible Open Source alternatives, I think there is at the moment any which offers all the feature I would like to have. Because of that I would like to contribute to JetPad, with the idea of using it privately and that it can also be used by SUSE/openSUSE. JetPad is a web-based collaborative text editor built with SwellRT real-time technology and the Angular 2 framework. Both JetPad and SwellRT code can be found in GitHub:

Updated over 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Project Skyscraper - PoC of a Cloud Governance Dashboard

a project by tmuntan1

Project Description

We would like to create a single interface for teams to manage our cloud governance.

Updated about 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Cobbler Angular Web Interface

a project by SchoolGuy

Project Description

The old Cobbler webinterface was built into the server, leading to a huge dependency stack only required for a few people.

Updated about 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

web-based testing tracker for aquarist-labs's s3gw

a project by jluis

Project Description

Keeping a consolidated view of a project's progress is a non-trivial endeavor. There are far too many moving parts from its inception, such as planning, issue tracking, development, and testing. All the while one must keep track of some form of metrics to ensure that there's progress, and that the progress is happening in the right direction (or whatever is considered the right direction at the moment).

Updated about 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Build alternative spotify frontend and learn modern frontend dev on the way

an invention by mlauhoff

Project Description

I hate finding and playing albums on Spotify. I never find what I want, when I want. Playlists are weird for playing albums.

Updated over 1 year ago. No love. 1 follower.