Projects in the topic analyzer

SLES/openSUSE integration for Clair

a project by tboerger

Clair is a static vulnerability analyzer for containers. Currently it supports containers based on Debian, Ubuntu and RedHat. I already started this project on the CSM workshop, now I want to finish the integration for openSUSE and SLES based container images. You can track the changes at

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

logorator: an offline internal analytics tool

a project by dleidi

There are customer use cases where sharing information via internet or uploading data somewhere is not acceptable for security reasons: this avoid the usage of some tool like the most famous Google Analytics, and prevent developers from understanding how the web application is used by the customers. I don't want to reinvent the wheel and re-implement a copy of Google Analytics, but getting inspired from it, the goal is to reuse information that we already have to extrapolate an analysis of the WebApp customer usage. I started this project with the aim of learning a programming language where I am not so comfortable yet (python). The purpose of this Hack Week project is to bring this basic tool at a minimal stable and usable state with the purpose of analyze the usage of a WebApp in scenarios where the WebApp is used in an internal network only (offline, disconnected from the internet).

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.