over 1 year
2 hacker ♥️.
Project Description
With CentOS 7 going EoL next year users need an option to move forward and keep receiving updates if needed. SUSE provides a solution to deliver patches to EL Linux for enterprise customers. Also, the restriction to access RHEL 9 codebase, SUSE in partnership with other companies, provided a solution to keep building RHEL alternatives (https://openela.org/).
The goal of this project is to develop a set of stalt states integrated with UYUNI server to help users easily migrate EL Linux flavors to SUSE Liberty Linux solution.
Use cases:
- Register new machine to uyuni and automatically migrate to SUSE Liberty Linux
- Migrate a machine already registered to uyuni
Goal for this Hackweek
Use Uyuni to easily migrate from EL to SLL.
- Create a UYUNI/SUMA environment with EL7 and EL9 (can be rhel, centos, rocky, alma ...)
- Register the minions and assigned the channels for the OS in use
- Change the channels to use SLL of the corresponding version (in EL7 it will be SLES-ES)
- Develop salt states to migrate the machine to be a SLES-ES
- Look at the link which will remove some files and install the release packages
- https://documentation.suse.com/liberty/9/html/quickstart/art-quickstart.html
- https://github.com/SUSE/rmt/blob/master/public/tools/rmt-client-setup-res
- https://github.com/SUSE/rmt/blob/master/public/tools/rmt-client-setup
hack week repo data:
Migration test status.
- Rhel 9: working
- Rocky 9: working
- Alma 9: working
- Oracle 9: Working
- Rhel 8: Working
- Rocky 8:
- Alma 8: Working
- Oracle 8: Working
- CentoOS 8: working
- Rhel 7:
- CentoOS 7: working
- Oracle 7: working
Day 1
- Focus on registered RHEL9 system in SUMA
- Activation key already assigns the SLL9 repos
- Initial sls file to do all the steps after registration to have the required files removed and the release rpm installed
- Prepared it for RHEL 8 too
- Tested on RHEL9 and it worked
- tested with Rocky 9 to SLL and also worked (hack solution to remove rocky package)
Day 2
- Re-install all packages from SLL channel is now done automatically from the migration salt states
- Hacked change channel option to allow change channels to SLL9 on already registered minions. Useful to migrate existing machines. Code is hardcoded to add the SLL9 base channel - https://github.com/rjmateus/uyuni/tree/uyunihackweek23rhel_migration
Day 3
- Tested Alma Linux 9, Rocky Linux 9, Oracle Linux 9, Oracle Linux 7, and Centos 7
- Starting salt state file and a formula with forms to apply the migration
- https://github.com/mmmmmmpc/liberate-formula
Day 4
- Finishing testing more OS flavors migration
- Improve code to allow migration of already registered systems
- Cleaning migration formula and adding an option to select if packages should be re-installed
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 23