pyg will be a PEG parser library formed as an internal Python DSL. it will be used in cramex, a copycat of cram with expect support.

The surface is heading to resemble Boost.Spirit: grammars are composed using a vaguely (xBNF/PEG)-like syntax enabled through operator overloading.

>>> from pyg import Rule, chr_, int_

>>> n = Rule('number')
>>> o = Rule('operator')
>>> e = Rule('expression')

>>> e %= n >> o >> n
>>> o %= chr_('+-')
>>> n %= int_

>>> e.matches('42 + 69')
True, None
>>> e.matches('69')
True, None
>>> e.matches('42 69')
False, "Failed on line 1 column 3:\n42 69\n  ^\n"

Looking for hackers with the skills:

python parsing peg

This project is part of:

Hack Week 10


  • almost 11 years ago: rneuhauser added keyword "python" to this project.
  • almost 11 years ago: rneuhauser added keyword "parsing" to this project.
  • almost 11 years ago: rneuhauser added keyword "peg" to this project.
  • almost 11 years ago: rneuhauser started this project.
  • almost 11 years ago: rneuhauser originated this project.

  • Comments

    • rneuhauser
      almost 11 years ago by rneuhauser | Reply - Import packages and modules from arbitrary directories and files

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