Since this will be my first real "from the start" publication the goal for me has more to do with the experience of publishing the projects, use of the public hosting site and access tools, particularly git.

The projects that will be published are:

  1. Python based

  2. Qt 6. based

  3. One is a V4L2 device regular frame capture to jpeg file application (I use it ultimately to create daily timelapse videos of the vew from my home)

  4. This application has a view on the main window that shows a simulation of the time-of-day using a graphical model (a sun passing through a ground/sky view with colors that are based on day time and a moon passing through a ground/sky view with colors that are based on night time)

  5. One is a three part audio meter where the parts are all in the same UI window and are:

a) A live self-relative dB meter at a user chosen sample rate and update frequency

b) A moving day-view track of the minimum and maximum signal level

c) A moving day-view track of the audio frequency content via FFT

  1. The current state of both projects is usable, almost fully functional, with the potential for some improvements (e.g. optimizing 5 to reduce it's runtime overhead, which is difficult for an app doing filtered, windowed and FFTed liveaudio sample data)

  2. Both apps make decent example Python Qt6, a v4L2 client and audio capture applications

  3. My interest in 3 is the creation of daily timelapse videos of the view from my home because in snow storms the videos look great but I wanted the frame capture automated and just left to run. My interest in 5 was a matter of exploring audio capture client interfaces with no real purpose, ergo two different signal level meters and an audio spectrum content meter were "things to do".

  4. The audio meter application could be developed by anyone with access to monitor for problems at a location, which is one of the reasons for wanting to publish it for the benefit of others.

  5. Both would be GPL3 licensed.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

python3 qt6 publish

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 11 months ago: dmair liked this project.
  • 12 months ago: dmair added keyword "python3" to this project.
  • 12 months ago: dmair added keyword "qt6" to this project.
  • 12 months ago: dmair added keyword "publish" to this project.
  • 12 months ago: dmair started this project.
  • 12 months ago: dmair originated this project.

  • Comments

    • dmair
      12 months ago by dmair | Reply

      The section numbering was input differently (1 through 10) from what is displayed but it was typed as plain-text and not marked-up as list elements.

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