
This project aims to develop a small read-only proxy for immich.

What is immich? Immich is a self-hosted Google photos alternative (or at least aiming to be). It allows me to upload and manage my photos/videos to a machine that I own.

What problem is Proxy for immich trying to solve? I want to be able to share some albums to family and friends. I want to be able to do it securely and conveniently (this means without needing a VPN). There are already some projects that attempts to do this. However they use their own custom web UI. I want to be able to re-use immich's web UI which has lots of feature and works incredibly well with large albums.


  • Strip down immich's webUI to use only the minimum (read-only) API
  • Reverse proxy with hardcoded allowed HTTP paths
  • Push to Github Container Registry on release
  • Deploy it for my own immich instance


You can find the progress on the Git repository: tomleb/proxy-for-immich

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  • 2 months ago: tlebreux started this project.
  • 2 months ago: tlebreux originated this project.

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