Project Description
The keys in db or mok can be used to verify boot loader and kernel binary for booting. But upstream kernel doesn't trust them for enrolling to trusted keyring because they are enrolled outside the boundaries of kernel. Which means that IMA can not use db/mok keys for verification.
Currently if users/partners want to enroll their keys to the kernel trusted keyring, the user key must be signed by kernel's build-in key. But SUSE will not sign any user key. In upstream, there have some known technologies against this situation:
CONFIGSYSTEMEXTRA_CERTIFICATE Reserve a space in kernel binary for enrolling user's key.
MokListTrustedRT A new MOK variable be introduced. User can use this variable to tell shim and kernel that the keys in MOK can be trusted by kernel. Which means keys will be enrolled to trusted keyring.
Goal for this Hackweek
Find a good way for SLE/openSUSE user for enrolling their key to trust keyring in kernel. IMA should also trust those keys.
kernel, shim, mokutil
This project is part of:
Hack Week 21
over 2 years ago by jzerebecki | Reply
Thank you, good to know. This would make SecureBoot useful for me. Seems MokListTrustedRT is supported since kernel v5.18-rc1: And since shim 15.5-rc2:
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Bot to identify reserved data leak in local files or when publishing on remote repository by mdati
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I want also to create a Linux Kernel fuzzing lab using qemu and syzkaller
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- Create the fuzzing lab and having it running
The story so far
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- Day 3: Working on trivial changes after I read this blog post: I have to take confidence
with the patch preparation and submit process yet.
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- Day 4: Triaging more issues found by Coverity.
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- Fixed another dereference before NULL check in iwlmvmparsewowlaninfo_notif() routine (CID 1601547). This one was already submitted by another kernel hacker :(
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Wrapping up: being back doing kernel hacking is amazing and I don't want to stop it. My battery pack is completely drained but changing the scope gave me a great twist and I really want to feel this energy not doing a single task for months.
I failed in setting up a fuzzing lab but I was too optimistic for the patch submission process.
The patches
Kanidm: A safe and modern IDM system by firstyear
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For anyone who wants to participate in Kanidm, we have documentation and developer guides which can help.
I'm happy to help and share more, so please get in touch!
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- (mentioned also in the kernel doc)
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Make a PoC kernel which can boot a x86 VM and a Raspberry Pi (because early RPi4 boards have some of the weirdest DMA constraints).
- LPC2024 talk:
- video:
Create a DRM driver for VGA video cards by tdz
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VGA has a number of limitations, which make this project interesting.
- There are only 640x480 pixels (or less) on the screen. That resolution is also a soft lower limit imposed by DRM. It's mostly a problem for desktop environments though.
- Desktop environments assume 16 million colors, but there are only 16 colors with VGA. VGA's 256 color palette is not available at 640x480. We can choose those 16 colors freely. The interesting part is how to choose them. We have to build a palette for the displayed frame and map each color to one of the palette's 16 entries. This is called dithering, and VGA's limitations are a good opportunity to learn about dithering algorithms.
- VGA has an interesting memory layout. Most graphics devices use linear framebuffers, which store the pixels byte by byte. VGA uses 4 bitplanes instead. Plane 0 holds all bits 0 of all pixels. Plane 1 holds all bits 1 of all pixels, and so on.
The driver will probably not be useful to many people. But, if finished, it can serve as test environment for low-level hardware. There's some interest in supporting old Amiga and Atari framebuffers in DRM. Those systems have similar limitations as VGA, but are harder to obtain and test with. With qemu, the VGA driver could fill this gap.
Apart from the Wikipedia entry, good resources on VGA are at and FreeVGA
FizzBuzz OS by mssola
Project Description
FizzBuzz OS (or just fbos
) is an idea I've had in order to better grasp the fundamentals of the low level of a RISC-V machine. In practice, I'd like to build a small Operating System kernel that is able to launch three processes: one that simply prints "Fizz", another that prints "Buzz", and the third which prints "FizzBuzz". These processes are unaware of each other and it's up to the kernel to schedule them by using the timer interrupts as given on openSBI (fizz on % 3 seconds, buzz on % 5 seconds, and fizzbuzz on % 15 seconds).
This kernel provides just one system call, write
, which allows any program to pass the string to be written into stdout.
This project is free software and you can find it here.
Goal for this Hackweek
- Better understand the RISC-V SBI interface.
- Better understand RISC-V in privileged mode.
- Have fun.
The project was a resounding success Lots of learning, and the initial target was met.