Discovery the latest SUSE Manager, what is missing there from user and system point of view to be use as Orthos reservation system
The SUSE Manager is a great tool and his popularity is growing. It`s able to manage multiple Linux distributions from a single, centralized console. Its using by developers as well SUSE customers. On the other side the tool Orthos is internal tool inside R&D only. It an old tool (first commit from the year 2009) and the primary porpoise was managed and reserved machines with different architecture. Its internal only and last a few years was not active developed but just fixed by many trainee. It is used for following tasks:
locating a machine,
getting the state of the machine,
overview about the hardware,
overview about the installed software (installations),
reservation of the machines,
generating the DHCP configuration,
reboot the machines remotely and
managing remote consoles.
Let`s check what from Orthos task we can already do in SUSE Manager and what is missing there. In future I see possibility to create a plug-in "Orthos" into the SUSE Manager.
The possible marked opportunity for the plug-in might be :
for companies providing SW/HW support.
for companies providing SW/HW developing.
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