Learning REXX and improve FTPBOOT for installing and testing our S390 builds

Looking for hackers with the skills:

rexx mainframe s390

This project is part of:

Hack Week 13


  • almost 4 years ago: e_bischoff liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: RBrownSUSE liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: mgriessmeier added keyword "mainframe" to this project.
  • over 9 years ago: mgriessmeier added keyword "s390" to this project.
  • over 9 years ago: mgriessmeier added keyword "rexx" to this project.
  • over 9 years ago: mgriessmeier started this project.
  • over 9 years ago: mgriessmeier originated this project.

  • Comments

    • e_bischoff
      over 9 years ago by e_bischoff | Reply

      REXX is a really nice language, and using it from XEDIT to do text editing is just incredible. I never understood how these products remained only in the mainframe world. I wish you happy learning! :-)

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    Project Description

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    • use LXC from IBM to start CP commands and analyze the results
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    Other Feilong-based solutions include:

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    • use zvmconnector client python library from Feilong
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    My technical preference is to write a terraform provider plugin, as it is the approach that involves the least software components for our deployments, while remaining clean, and compatible with our existing development infrastructure.

    Goals for Hackweek 24

    Feilong provider works and is used internally by SUSE Manager team. Let's push it forward!

    Let's add support for fiberchannel disks and multipath.

    Goals for Hackweek 25

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    terraform-provider-feilong by e_bischoff

    Project Description

    People need to test operating systems and applications on s390 platform.

    Installation from scratch solutions include:

    • just deploy and provision manually add-emoji (with the help of ftpboot script, if you are at SUSE)
    • use s3270 terminal emulation (used by openQA people?)
    • use LXC from IBM to start CP commands and analyze the results
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    • use tessia to install from scratch using autoyast
    • use libvirt for s390 to do some nested virtualization on some already deployed z/VM system
    • directly install a Linux kernel on a LPAR and use kvm + libvirt from there

    Deployment from image solutions include:

    • use ICIC web interface (openstack in disguise, contributed by IBM)
    • use ICIC from the openstack terraform provider (used by Rancher QA)
    • use zvm_ansible to control SMAPI
    • connect directly to SMAPI low-level socket interface

    IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center (ICIC) harnesses the Feilong API, but you can use Feilong without installing ICIC, provided you set up a "z/VM cloud connector" into one of your VMs following this schema.

    What about writing a terraform Feilong provider, just like we have the terraform libvirt provider? That would allow to transparently call Feilong from your main.tf files to deploy and destroy resources on your system/z.

    Other Feilong-based solutions include:

    • make libvirt Feilong-aware
    • simply call Feilong from shell scripts with curl
    • use zvmconnector client python library from Feilong
    • use zthin part of Feilong to directly command SMAPI.

    Goal for Hackweek 23

    My final goal is to be able to easily deploy and provision VMs automatically on a z/VM system, in a way that people might enjoy even outside of SUSE.

    My technical preference is to write a terraform provider plugin, as it is the approach that involves the least software components for our deployments, while remaining clean, and compatible with our existing development infrastructure.

    Goals for Hackweek 24

    Feilong provider works and is used internally by SUSE Manager team. Let's push it forward!

    Let's add support for fiberchannel disks and multipath.

    Goals for Hackweek 25

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    • Fix problems with registration on hashicorp providers registry