To be able to offer real Tumbleweed and a tested Leap for a Raspberry Pi3 the images for it need to be tested with openQA. Since the RPI3 doesn't boot UEFI directly the standard UEFI aarch64 images tested via qemu in openQA are not sufficient. The images need to be tested on real Hardware. For the full experience openQA needs to be able to

  1. Read the graphics output
  2. Input Keyboard and Mouse events
  3. Provide the image to boot from
  4. Power on/off the hardware
  5. Read serial output

The hackweek project concentrates on 1) based on a HDMI grabber device that streams H.264 over the network: Lenkeng HDMI over IP extender – LKV373A

photo of the device

Another related project tries to implement an SD card emulation

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 16


  • over 7 years ago: aplanas liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: lnussel started this project.
  • over 7 years ago: lnussel originated this project.

  • Comments

    • lnussel
      over 7 years ago by lnussel | Reply

      State at end of Hackweek:

      • PoC program to decode the video stream and offer it as VNC display works code on github
      • openQA "generichw" backend can read the video openqa

    • lnussel
      over 7 years ago by lnussel | Reply

      For this minimal test case the RPI3 specific boot loader was on the SD card with u-boot set to auto boot from USB. The USB stick contained the standard aarch64 installation images. The bootloader worked this way but the kernel didn't actually boot in the end.

      The RPI3 specific config.txt forced the output to 1024x768 as the HDMI grabber offers no way to override it's EDID.

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