Project Description
I started the geekoops project last year for hosting some generic ansible roles for openSUSE. This year I'm gonna continue to work on the roles.
The project is still very young and has not received much love but it has not been forgotten. Everyone is welcome to help out or contribute. If you know ansible a little bit or you are keen in learning it, you're good to join!
Goal for this Hackweek
I'd like to extend the project by adding some more roles and improve the website/documentation so that it becomes a useful resource for the openSUSE community.
Keywords: DevOps, ansible, automation, geekoops, openSUSE
This project is part of:
Hack Week 21 Hack Week 20
over 2 years ago by ph03nix | Reply
Oh boy, those were already almost three intensive days.
I revived all of the current roles (moved them to Leap 15.4), reduced the number of external dependencies for testing to zero and updated the main page.
Thanks to Teo for testing the Webserver example, which was horribly broken so I fixed and updated it this morning.
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