an invention by ilausuch
In financial markets traders try to win money buying cheap and selling expensive. To do that they need to understand what is going on on the market and also what will do the market in the future.
So the idea is, if they have methods to do that, why can't we use it to understand what is going on in my business? Every team could extract information from certain values that could be used to elaborate conclusions.
The idea is to start extracting raw data from certain measurable variables and create a tool to make decisions.
Therefore the first think is to choose a variable, for instance active tasks in a certain time. These are the tasks that are not completed yet. You could chose your own variable.
Secondly, we use a time compression, for instance 1 day, and summarize all the events that modifies this variable in a candlestick. Then we could have a candlestick series graph that help us in this early step to know more information about what is happening. But this is not the end.
We can combine information of these candlesticks using mathematical algorithms well known in financial environments to extract and simplify information that could be used to interpret the present and anticipate the future.
You can read more about this idea in this confluence page
My roadmap is
Explore and validate this with the help of other engineers, POs, managers, and so on.
Propose an initial generic tool to extract conclusions from raw data using these methods.
Everyone is welcome.
Check the github project in this link
We wrote some interpretation and conclusions in a confluence page
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