9 days
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Project Description
(HackWeek 24): Continue further.
(HackWeek 23): Started last hack week with some more work after that in free time. Started as experiment in describing the image and vector operations as C fragments and then using Tcl to generate all the boilerplate around that to link them to a runtime. Plus writing the runtime itself.
Internals inspired by VIPS. Got the planned multi-threaded operation done in the time after the hack week.
Things to do:
- More operations (always)
- Requires some kind of caching (in-memory, disk) for mismatches in native access. Examples
- column FFT ask for column data from input, and input can provide only rows.
- whole image operation is queried by a user for rows, tiles, etc.
- Record per-operator information about supported/fast access modes
Goal for this Hackweek
- At least one additional operation (code and tests)
- Progress on specification of a cache system
- Or progress on specification of access modes and how to combine them for a sink driving a pipeline
- https://core.tcl-lang.org/akupries/aktive/timeline (primary, fossil)
- https://github.com/andreas-kupries/aktive (secondary, git)
Note: Mirroring is unidirectional, from primary to secondary. Work can only happen in the primary.
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 23 Hack Week 24
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