Create a selector of BCI-language containers, python, java, go, etc, to pull and build the proper image and compile and run files of the selected language in local shared volume. Provide the project as Github repo.
Project Description
Pre select compiled / interpreted type, Language, Version, Achitecture at operator input;
possibly auto-detect the language based on the file code, with default Arch and version latest
Collect/pull proper image from repository
Define the local volume name
Define binding ports for tcp communication
Set a default Dockerfile
Customize the Dockerfile for a better work environment to be defined.
Builld the image
For compiled laguages run the BCI compiler and build the image
For compiled and interpreted lang. run the code
Local volume will contain all the source and object code and the input/output data files
Create tests
Create a github repo with readme description
Goal for this Hackweek
Set the structure of the BCI multi language runner for at least one language
run some example
Create the Git repo.
Language Container Images / Container images providing language SDKs and runtimes
BCI tests
containers, base container images, languages, compiler,
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 21