Rancher/k8s Trouble-Makeran invention by tonyhansen |
Cluster API Provider for Harvesteran invention by rcase |
CVE portal for SUSE Rancher productsa project by gmacedo Description |
Enabling Rancher as an OIDC Provideran invention by rcabello DescriptionKubernetes supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) natively as an authentication mechanism, enabling token-based user authentication. This can be configured through flags in the Kubernetes API server or by using AuthenticationConfiguration. |
Integrate Backstage with Rancher Manageran invention by nwmacd Description |
Longhorn UI Extension (POC)a project by yiya.chen DescriptionThe goal is to create a Longhorn UI extension within Rancher using existing resources. |
Small healthcheck tool for Longhorna project by mbrookhuis |