Project Description

A sentiment analyzer is a software that can distinguish the emotion of the text. The programming language will be either python or C++. (This is the first hackweek for this project.)

The use case, for example, a webscraper takes comments from a social network like Facebook or LinkedIn, the sentimental analyzer does its job and the result is what do people think about an object.

Goal for this Hackweek

The aim for this hackweek is to create a sentiment-analyzer that can estimate the emotion of a sentence (possibly text) with at least 51% success rate.


There are no resources yet. They should come a week before the hackweek.

comment: #AI, #KI, #python, #C++, #cpp, #sentimental_analysis

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 20


  • over 3 years ago: stefannica liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: vliaskovitis liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: aburlakov started this project.
  • over 3 years ago: aburlakov originated this project.

  • Comments

    • ories
      over 3 years ago by ories | Reply

      if your intent is to program some NLP from scratch, then go ahead. If you want to use/integrate NLP, check out frameworks like NLTK, pytorch etc.

    • maryrosesolero
      9 months ago by maryrosesolero | Reply

      In one use instance, a web scraper receives comments from social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn. The sentiment analysis process then takes place, yielding insights into the opinions of users regarding a particular object !

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