Project Description
This first part of this project will build a moisture sensor using an ESP32 board and circuit python. I am hoping to implement a notification method using SMS or Email. Additionally, future plans include adding a Web based interface to view historical data as well as optionally adding some mini pumps that will water the plants once a specified moisture level (very little detected) has been reached.
Something similar to:
The idea came from this repo
Goal for this Hackweek
1) Learn more about GPIO on Arduino, Raspberry PI and the ESP32 Boards
2) Learn how to use Circuit Python for programming these boards
3) Implement a simple notification system
Anyone interested in learning with me is welcome to join.
I am using an ESP32 Development kit and Capacitive Moisture sensors. These can be purchased on Amazon for under $30 US.
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 21
almost 3 years ago by dancermak | Reply
Have you considered plugging this into home assistant? Then you could rely on its notification system and existing sensor infrastructure.
over 2 years ago by kberger65 | Reply
Thanks, I have heard about home assistant but have not looked in detail yet. I will do that to see the best way to integrate.
over 2 years ago by alarrosa | Reply
I think the best way to do this would be using MQTT to publish the sensor values you read and then configure home assistant (or any other application) to read the values from there. I think if you only use home assistant for this it might be a bit overkill at first, but I recommend you to have a look at it. Anyway, be warned: Once you start using home assistant for some things, you'll only want to use it more and more
Btw, you might be interested in which would probably be the home assistant integration you want to use.
Btw2, your hackweek project seems to be similar (in essence at least) to the hackweek project I planned to do, which I just wrote down at . I'll definitely keep an eye on yours
over 2 years ago by kberger65 | Reply
Thanks for the plant link. That is awesome!
over 2 years ago by kberger65 | Reply
It turns out when using an esp device via esphome. you do not need the extra MQTT. The values get published via the API.
"The MQTT Client Component sets up the MQTT connection to your broker. If you are connecting to Home Assistant, you may prefer to use the native API, in which case this is not needed."
I was able to use a the plant integration with a sensor that was create/published via the esphome integration
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