Try learn some Rust

In a previous hackweek I attempted to read the Rust by example course. I didn't feel I achieved much, I don't remember much at this stage and even when I was going through it I felt I already forgot in each lesson what went before, was hard to motivate myself to progress though the examples.


  • Try get a more real and focussed introduction to Rust. I'd say I am not alone in that I learn more by actually doing something concrete and while I understand the need for knowing the basics etc. I like to get stuck in. Additionally all though I can't remember much (or in fact any) I hope my previous attempt(s) at looking at Rust will come back to me
  • With the above in mind I really want to kill 2 birds with one stone, again a going back to a previous Hackweek project where I wrote a yast python UI to connect to solar inverter and solar water heating diverter and display data. Back then I didn't have a rasberry pi, now I do and the hackweek project is in general use at home (also have the official screen and case for the pi and it is mounted on the wall in the kitchen) However one problem I have is that on occasion I have been having problems with the water diverter and in particular with the electricity usage sensor that comes with it, the location of both the sensor and the device means I need to carry around a laptop with me to display the ui (so I can see realtime what the 'correct' grid energy usage is). If I had some sort of web display that would be handy, I could just point my phone at it and have the info I need. Additionally another problem with the yast ui approach I have is that I needed to build all of the requirements on either the raspberrypi and in some cases on a vm with debian 11 for aarch64 (because the rasperry pi was not powerfull enough or didn't have enough memory to build). I don't want to maintain or learn howto package for debian especially if I want to use the next official rasberry pi release. So;

    • I am looking for an alternative to yast for my UI.
    • Ideally something that supports both native (for the pi) and web (phone and/or other computer)
    • Something in Rust so I have some motivation to learn


I came across egui This really seems to tick all the boxes

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 3 months ago: npower originated this project.

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