
I'd like to devote efforts to get the main IO paths of linux network stack from the source codes and related details, such as kernel network initialization/configurations/monitoring/analyzing issues/network traffic scenarios/workloads generating tools/firewall policies, etc.


  1. Get the outline of the basic kernel network IO paths
  2. Get the kernel network configurations/status and the approaches/tools to isolate the traffic/workloads into different stages, corresponding to the network codes path.
  3. Normal network traffic scenarios and workloads characters, and also cover the virtualization and clouds traffic.
  4. Build the cross-compiling environment, compile, transplant, deploy and configure openwrt into my route for more interesting functions ...

If anyone familiar with or interested in this kinds of topics, welcome to share the funs!

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Hack Week 15


  • almost 8 years ago: sharq joined this project.
  • about 8 years ago: jerrytang started this project.
  • about 8 years ago: zyuhu originated this project.

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