****The motivation is create a open source solution, base on this business astronomy products: AZWO Asiair https://astronomy-imaging-camera.com/product/asiair-pro Stellar Mate https://www.stellarmate.com/products/get-stellarmate.html

Idea is update packages to lib INDI on opensuse and add all devices supported. And create a image to Rapsberry 3b+ to deploy and automatize a telescope remote control more easily.

Goals are: -> Learning about opensuse package. -> Learning about image create to raspberry, deploy and use aarch64 -> Learning python, INDI use python. -> Test my hardware devices (telescope, cameras,) on this project.


Day 1:

  • Downloaded and installed TW imagem on rasp.
  • Configured basic services (network, ssh, vnc...)
  • Installed Development packages.
  • Installed libindi packages ( libindi-1.8.3-1.1.aarch64, libindi-plugins-1.8.3-1.1.aarch64, )
  • First tests with Kstars + EKOS => Connecting on Indi server rasp.

*Day 2:*

  • Downloaded source 3Party plugins from Indi project: https://github.com/indilib/indi-3rdparty
  • Solve dependencies to compile indi_asi, to support ZWO Producst - Cameras/CCD https://astronomy-imaging-camera.com/software-drivers
  • Compile and test camera. It's working!!!!! First shot: https://www.flickr.com/photos/martinsmc/49519925383/in/dateposted-public/
  • Start learning OBS videos, to create a package to ASI Cameras on Opensuse TW . ....


INDI Library - Project to control astronomy devices, like telescope, cameras, focuser. https://www.indilib.org/

Rasp OS: https://software.opensuse.org/distributions/tumbleweed https://build.opensuse.org/

Future: - Create a github projet to maintenance and share opensuse-astronomy project - Contribution to maintain packages in opensuse

Looking for hackers with the skills:

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 19


  • almost 5 years ago: martinsmac started this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: keichwa liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: martinsmac originated this project.

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