Project Description

A viewer for openQA jobs written in Qt.

The aim of this product is to create MVC components for an openQA job. I started it because I dislike non-native UIs, especially for Linux-first projects and dislike webUIs of all kinds even more!

Goal for this Hackweek

  1. Provide models for a job written in Qt.
  2. Provide views using mostly Qt Widgets.



Looking for hackers with the skills:

qt6 qt openqa

This project is part of:

Hack Week 21 Hack Week 22 Hack Week 23


  • about 2 years ago: wfrisch liked this project.
  • about 2 years ago: apappas added keyword "qt6" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: apappas added keyword "qt" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: apappas added keyword "openqa" to this project.
  • over 2 years ago: apappas started this project.
  • over 2 years ago: apappas originated this project.

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    Similar Projects

    New openSUSE-welcome by lkocman

    Project Description

    Let's revisit our existing openSUSE welcome app.

    My goal was to show Leap 16 in a new coat. Welcome app adds to the first time use experience. We've recently added donation button to our existing welcome.

    Some things that I recently wanted to address were EOL and possibly upgrade notification.

    I've already done some experiments with mint welcome app, but not sure if it's better than the existing one.

    There is also a PR to rework existing app (this should be considered as an option too)

    Goal for this Hackweek

    New welcome app, possibly with EOL notification for Leap.

    1) Welcome application(s) with (rebrand changes) maintained under

    2) Application is submitted to openSUSE:Factory && openSUSE:Leap:16.0

    3) Updated needles in openQA (probably post hackweek)


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    Github repo for the current welcome app.

    YQPkg - Bringing the Single Package Selection Back to Life by shundhammer


    Rip out the high-level YQPackageSelector widget from YaST and make it a standalone Qt program without any YaST dependencies.

    See section "Result" at the bottom for the current status after the hack week.

    Current Status

    See the development status issue at the GitHub repo.

    tl;dr: It's usable now with all the key features.

    It does real package installation / removal / update with reasonable user feedback.

    The Past and the Present

    We used to have and still have a powerful software selection with the YaST sw_single module (and the YaST patterns counterpart): You can select software down to the package level, you can easily select one of many available package versions, you can select entire patterns - or just view them and pick individual packages from patterns.

    You can search packages based on name, description, "requires" or "provides" level, and many more things.

    The Future

    YaST is on its way out, to be replaced by the new Agama installer and Cockpit for system administration. Those tools can do many things, but fine-grained package selection is not among them. And there are also no other Open Source tools available for that purpose that even come close to the YaST package selection.

    Many aspects of YaST have become obsolete over the years; many subsystems now come with a good default configuration, or they can configure themselves automatically. Just think about sound or X11 configuration; when did you last need to touch them?

    For others, the desktops bring their own tools (e.g. printers), or there are FOSS configuration tools (NetworkManager, BlueMan). Most YaST modules are no longer needed, and for many others there is a replacement in tools like Cockpit.

    But no longer having a powerful fine-grained package selection like in YaST sw_single will hurt. Big time. At least until there is an adequate replacement, many users will want to keep it.

    The Idea

    YaST sw_single always revolved around a powerful high-level widget on the abstract UI level. Libyui has low-level widgets like YPushButton, YCheckBox, YInputField, more advanced ones like YTable, YTree; and some few very high-level ones like YPackageSelector and YPatternSelector that do the whole package selection thing alone, working just on the libzypp level and changing the status of packages or patterns there.

    For the YaST Qt UI, the YQPackageSelector / YQPatternSelector widgets work purely on the Qt and libzypp level; no other YaST infrastructure involved, in particular no Ruby (or formerly YCP) interpreter, no libyui-level widgets, no bindings between Qt / C++ and Ruby / YaST-core, nothing. So it's not too hard to rip all that part out of YaST and create a standalone program from it.

    For the NCurses UI, the NCPackageSelector / NCPatternSelector create a lot of libyui widgets (inheriting YWidget / NCWidget) and use a lot of libyui calls to glue them together; and all that of course still needs a lot of YaST / libyui / libyui-ncurses infrastructure. So NCurses is out of scope here.

    Preparatory Work: Initializing the Package Subsystem

    To see if this is feasible at all, the existing UI examples needed some fixing to check what is needed on that level. That was the make-or-break decision: Would it be realistically possible to set the needed environment in libzypp up (without being stranded in the middle of that task alone at the end of the hack week)?

    Yes, it is: That part is already working:

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    • DONE: Learn more about development for Android and development of UIs with Qt Quick
    • DONE: Create an experimental app reusing as much existing Syncthing Tray code as possible
    • DONE: Build Syncthing as a library also for Android and use it in the app (already done but needs further testing and integration with the rest of the app configuration)
    • DONE: Update the Syncthing Tray website, documentation
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    • Update forum thread
    • Upload an experimental build on GitHub
    • Extend the Syncthing API to download single files on demand (instead of having to sync the whole directory or use ignore patterns)


    • Android SDK/NDK and emulator
    • Qt Quick

    Enhance UV openQA helper script by mdonis


    A couple months ago an UV openQA helper script was created to help/automate the searching phase inside openQA for a given MU to test. The script searches inside all our openQA job groups (qam-sle) related with a given MU and generates an output suitable to add (copy & paste) inside the update log.

    This is still a WIP and could use some enhancements.


    • Move script from bash to python: this would be useful in case we want to include this into MTUI in the future. The script will be separate from MTUI for now. The idea is to have this as a CLI tool using the click library or something similar.
    • Add option to look for jobs in other sections inside aggregated updates: right now, when looking for regression tests under aggregated updates for a given MU, the script only looks inside the Core MU job group. This is where most of the regression tests we need are located, but some MUs have their regression tests under the YaST/Containers/Security MU job groups. We should keep the Core MU group as a default, but add an option to be able to look into other job groups under aggregated updates.
    • Remove the -a option: this option is used to indicate the update ID and is mandatory right now. This is a bit weird and goes against posix stardards. It was developed this way in order to avoid using positional parameters. This problem should be fixed if we move the script to python.

    Some other ideas to consider:

    • Look into the QAM dashboard API. This has more info on each MU, could use this to link general openQA build results, whether the related RR is approved or not, etc
    • Make it easier to see if there's regression tests for a package in an openQA test build. Check if there's a possibility to search for tests that have the package name in them inside each testsuite.
    • Unit testing?

    More ideas TBD


    Post-Hackweek update

    All major features were implemented. Unit tests are still in progress, and project will be moved to the SUSE github org once everything's done.

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    Check how the tool is implemented, and be capable to add/modify our needed images/repo in future by ourselves.



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    • Would potentially make it easier in the future to make UI changes without Perl.
    • Improve my Golang skills



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    -Migrate to more powerful machine


    -Service Rainbow

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    One of the features to be implemented: - Possibility to define "VERSION" and "ARCH" variables per flavor instead of global.
