almost 3 years
3 hacker ♥️.
GFXprim is a minimalistic widget library written in C I've been toying with for the last ten years. At this point there are several useful application written in it such as music player, pdf browser, map viewer etc.
See also FOSDEM presentation about GFXprim
All of these are generally working fine but lack more complex features.
Goal for this Hackweek
Hack on the gpapps to make them more useful.
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 21
over 2 years ago by metan | Reply
It's a bit late but let me write a summary what I managed so far:
- Repackaged mupdf library to provide proper dynamic library, so far it's in my OBS home
- Fixed gppdf package now that it can link against dynamic mupdf library
- Fixed several gppdf bugs, added desktop entry, etc.
- Finally had time to work on gpcalc
- + fixed load of gfxprim bugs found along the way
Generally the gppdf viewer is mostly working and not that far from being complete enough, but will still require a day or two worth of coding.
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