Project Description
The goal of this project is to create a lightweight multi-cloud metadata CLI for Public Cloud environments. There are cloud specific packages that exist but they all have different API and many are developed in Python which is quite heavy for cloud images, especially containers. Leveraging a compiled language will help with keeping the CLI lightweight.
Goal for this Hackweek
- A multi-cloud metadata package that works in all cloud frameworks (as support is added)
- Developed in Go to keep the package and dependencies lightweight
- Developed using Plugin Oriented Programming style to allow for easy inclusion of new Cloud Frameworks. Ideally with a simple config file (no new code).
- Go (
- jmespath (
- POP (
Looking for hackers with the skills:
This project is part of:
Hack Week 21
over 2 years ago by seanmarlow | Reply
Unfortunately I will only have a couple days to work on this for Hackweek. Otherwise it would be nice to coordinate the project with anyone interested in joining. What I plan to get to is:
- Getting started with Golang
- "Psuedo" programming the basic concept in Python
- Put together yaml config files for the 3 major CSPs (Azure, AWS, GCP)
The idea is that there's hopefully no new code to add a csp. The config files would map attr names to a jmespath query such as:
azure.yaml metadata-url: private-ipv4-addrs: network.interface[].ipv4.ipAddress[].privateIpAddress private-ipv6-addrs: network.interface[].ipv6.ipAddress[].privateIpAddress private-ip-addrs: network.interface[].*.ipAddress[][].privateIpAddress region: compute.location
over 2 years ago by seanmarlow | Reply
I think the challenge will be AWS as Azure and GCE both have ways to get the entire metadata dictionary with a single get request. Afaik AWS doesn't provide this functionality.
over 2 years ago by seanmarlow | Reply
It gets a bit complex to query certain items such as the Azure image URN:
compute.storageProfile.imageReference.[publisher,offer,sku,version] | join(':', @)
And as above (after ipAddress) when you do a wildcard for some reason it adds an extra nested list to the next object:
Similar Projects
Contribute to terraform-provider-libvirt by pinvernizzi
The SUSE Manager (SUMA) teams' main tool for infrastructure automation, Sumaform, largely relies on terraform-provider-libvirt. That provider is also widely used by other teams, both inside and outside SUSE.
It would be good to help the maintainers of this project and give back to the community around it, after all the amazing work that has been already done.
If you're interested in any of infrastructure automation, Terraform, virtualization, tooling development, Go (...) it is also a good chance to learn a bit about them all by putting your hands on an interesting, real-use-case and complex project.
- Get more familiar with Terraform provider development and libvirt bindings in Go
- Solve some issues and/or implement some features
- Get in touch with the community around the project
- Go libvirt library in use by the project
- Terraform plugin development
- "Good first issue" list
kubectl clone: Seamlessly Clone Kubernetes Resources Across Multiple Rancher Clusters and Projects by dpunia
kubectl clone is a kubectl plugin that empowers users to clone Kubernetes resources across multiple clusters and projects managed by Rancher. It simplifies the process of duplicating resources from one cluster to another or within different namespaces and projects, with optional on-the-fly modifications. This tool enhances multi-cluster resource management, making it invaluable for environments where Rancher orchestrates numerous Kubernetes clusters.
- Seamless Multi-Cluster Cloning
- Clone Kubernetes resources across clusters/projects with one command.
- Simplifies management, reduces operational effort.
Rancher & Kubernetes Docs
- Rancher API, Cluster Management, Kubernetes client libraries.
Development Tools
- Kubectl plugin docs, Go programming resources.
Building and Installing the Plugin
- Set Environment Variables: Export the Rancher URL and API token:
export RANCHER_URL=""
export RANCHER_TOKEN="token-xxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- Build the Plugin: Compile the Go program:
go build -o kubectl-clone ./pkg/
- Install the Plugin:
Move the executable to a directory in your
mv kubectl-clone /usr/local/bin/
Ensure the file is executable:
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-clone
- Verify the Plugin Installation: Test the plugin by running:
kubectl clone --help
You should see the usage information for the kubectl-clone
Usage Examples
- Clone a Deployment from One Cluster to Another:
kubectl clone --source-cluster c-abc123 --type deployment --name nginx-deployment --target-cluster c-def456 --new-name nginx-deployment-clone
- Clone a Service into Another Namespace and Modify Labels:
WebUI for your data by avicenzi
A single place to view every bit of data you have.
You have too much data and you are a data hoarder.
- Family photos and videos.
- Lots of eBooks, TV Shows, Movies, and else.
- Boxes full of papers (taxes, invoices, IDs, certificates, exams, and else).
- Bank account statements (multiple currencies, countries, and people).
Maybe you have some data on S3, some on your NAS, and some on your local PC.
- How do you get it all together?
- How do you link a bank transaction to a product invoice?
- How to tag any object type and create a collection out of it (mix videos, photos, PDFs, transactions)?
- How to store this? file/folder structure does not work, everything is linked together
Project Description
The idea is a place where you can throw all your data, photos, videos, documents, binaries, and else.
Create photo albums, document collections, add tags across multiple file-formats, link content, and else.
The UI should be easy to use, where the data is not important for now (could be all S3 or local drive).
Similar proposals
The closest I found so far is, but this is not what I'm looking for.
Goal for this Hackweek
Create a web UI, in Svelte ideally, perhaps React.
It should be able to show photos and videos at least.
None so far, this is just an idea.
Dartboard TUI by IValentin
Our scalability and performance testing swiss-army knife tool Dartboard is a major WIP so why not add more scope creep? Dartboard is a cli tool which enables users to:
- Define a "Dart" config file as YAML which defines the various components to be created/setup when Dartboard runs its commands
- Spin up infrastructure utilizing opentofu/terraform providers
- Setup K3s or RKE2 clusters on the newly created infrastructure
- Deploy Rancher (with or without downstream cluster), rancher-monitoring (Grafana + Prometheus)
- Create resources in-bulk within the newly created Rancher cluster (ConfigMaps, Secrets, Users, Roles, etc.)
- Run various performance and scalability tests via k6
- Export/Import various tracked metrics (WIP)
Given all these features (and the features to come), it can be difficult to onboard and transfer knowledge of the tool. With a TUI, Dartboard's usage complexity can be greatly reduced!
- Create a TUI for Dartboard's "subcommands"
- Gain more familiarity with Dartboard and create a more user-friendly interface to enable others to use it
- Stretch Create a TUI workflow for generating a Dart file
A CLI for Harvester by mohamed.belgaied
[comment]: # Harvester does not officially come with a CLI tool, the user is supposed to interact with Harvester mostly through the UI [comment]: # Though it is theoretically possible to use kubectl to interact with Harvester, the manipulation of Kubevirt YAML objects is absolutely not user friendly. [comment]: # Inspired by tools like multipass from Canonical to easily and rapidly create one of multiple VMs, I began the development of Harvester CLI. Currently, it works but Harvester CLI needs some love to be up-to-date with Harvester v1.0.2 and needs some bug fixes and improvements as well.
Project Description
Harvester CLI is a command line interface tool written in Go, designed to simplify interfacing with a Harvester cluster as a user. It is especially useful for testing purposes as you can easily and rapidly create VMs in Harvester by providing a simple command such as:
harvester vm create my-vm --count 5
to create 5 VMs named my-vm-01
to my-vm-05
Harvester CLI is functional but needs a number of improvements: up-to-date functionality with Harvester v1.0.2 (some minor issues right now), modifying the default behaviour to create an opensuse VM instead of an ubuntu VM, solve some bugs, etc.
Github Repo for Harvester CLI:
Done in previous Hackweeks
- Create a Github actions pipeline to automatically integrate Harvester CLI to Homebrew repositories: DONE
- Automatically package Harvester CLI for OpenSUSE / Redhat RPMs or DEBs: DONE
Goal for this Hackweek
The goal for this Hackweek is to bring Harvester CLI up-to-speed with latest Harvester versions (v1.3.X and v1.4.X), and improve the code quality as well as implement some simple features and bug fixes.
Some nice additions might be: * Improve handling of namespaced objects * Add features, such as network management or Load Balancer creation ? * Add more unit tests and, why not, e2e tests * Improve CI * Improve the overall code quality * Test the program and create issues for it
Issue list is here:
The project is written in Go, and using client-go
the Kubernetes Go Client libraries to communicate with the Harvester API (which is Kubernetes in fact).
Welcome contributions are:
- Testing it and creating issues
- Documentation
- Go code improvement
What you might learn
Harvester CLI might be interesting to you if you want to learn more about:
- GitHub Actions
- Harvester as a SUSE Product
- Go programming language
- Kubernetes API
Mortgage Plan Analyzer by RMestre
Project Description
Many people face challenges when trying to renegotiate their mortgages with different banks. They receive offers from multiple lenders and struggle to compare them effectively. Each proposal may have slightly different terms and data presentation, making it hard to make informed decisions. Additionally, understanding the impact of various taxes and variables can be complex. The Mortgage Plan Analyzer project aims to address these issues.
Project Overview:
The Mortgage Plan Analyzer is a web-based tool built using PHP, Laravel, Livewire, and AdminLTE/bootstrap. It provides a user-friendly platform for individuals to input basic specifications about their mortgage, adjust taxes and variables, and obtain short-term projections for each proposal. Users can also compare multiple mortgage offers side by side, enabling them to make informed decisions about their mortgage renegotiation.
Why Start This Project:
I found myself in this position and most tools I found around are either for marketing/selling purposes or not flexible enough. As i was starting getting lost in a jungle of spreadsheets i thought I could just create a tool to help me and others that may be experiencing the same struggles to provide clarity and transparency in the decision-making process.
Hackweek 25 ideas (to refine still :) )
- Euribor Trends in Projections
- - Use historical Euribor data to model optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for variable-rate loans.
- Use the annual summaries (installments, amortizations, etc) and run some analysis to highlight key differences, like short-term savings vs. long-term costs
- Financial plan can be hard/boring to follow. Create a simple viewing mode that summarizes monthly values and their annual sums.
Hackweek 24 update
- Improved summaries graphs by adding:
- - Line graph;
- - Accumulated line graph;
- - Set the range to short/mid/long term;
- - Highlight best simulation and value per year;
- Improve the general behaviour of the forms:
- - Simulations name setting;
- - Cloning simulations;
- - Adjust update timing on input changes;
- Show/Hide big tables;
- Support multi languages (added english);
- Added examples;
- Adjustments to fonts and sizes;
- Fixed loading screen;
- Dependencies adjustments;
Hackweek 23 initial release
- Developed a base site that:
- - Allows adding up to 3 simulations;
- - Create financial plans;
- - Simulations comparison graph for the first 4 years;
- Created Github project @ ;
- Launched a demo instance using Oracle Cloud Free Tier currently @
- Banco de Portugal: Main simulator all portuguese banks have to follow ( )
- Laravel: A PHP web application framework for building robust and scalable applications. ( )
- Livewire: A Laravel library for building dynamic interfaces without writing JavaScript. ( )
- AdminLTE: A responsive admin dashboard template for creating a visually appealing interface. ( )
Save pytorch models in OCI registries by jguilhermevanz
A prerequisite for running applications in a cloud environment is the presence of a container registry. Another common scenario is users performing machine learning workloads in such environments. However, these types of workloads require dedicated infrastructure to run properly. We can leverage these two facts to help users save resources by storing their machine learning models in OCI registries, similar to how we handle some WebAssembly modules. This approach will save users the resources typically required for a machine learning model repository for the applications they need to run.
Allow PyTorch users to save and load machine learning models in OCI registries.
file-organizer: A CLI Tool for Efficient File Management by okhatavkar
Create a Go-based CLI tool that helps organize files in a specified folder by sorting them into subdirectories based on defined criteria, such as file type or creation date. Users will pass a folder path as an argument, and the tool will process and organize the files within it.
- Develop Go skills by building a practical command-line application.
- Learn to manage and manipulate files and directories in Go using standard libraries.
- Create a tool that simplifies file management, making it easier to organize and maintain directories.
- Go Standard Libraries: Utilize os, filepath, and time for file operations.
- CLI Development: Use flag for basic argument parsing or consider cobra for enhanced functionality.
- Go Learning Material: Go by Example and The Go Programming Language Documentation.
- File Type Sorting: Automatically move files into subdirectories based on their extensions (e.g., documents, images, videos).
- Date-Based Organization: Add an option to organize files by creation date into year/month folders.
- User-Friendly CLI: Build intuitive commands and clear outputs for ease of use. This version maintains the core idea of organizing files efficiently while focusing on Go development and practical file management.
Jenny Static Site Generator by adam.pickering
For my personal site I have been using hugo. It works, but I am not satisfied: every time I want to make a change (which is infrequently) I have to read through the documentation again to understand how hugo works. I don't find the documentation easy to use, and the structure of the repository that hugo requires is unintuitive/more complex than what I need. So, I have decided to write my own simple static site generator in Go. It is named Jenny, after my wife.
- Pages can be written in markdown (which is automatically converted to HTML), but other file types are also allowed
- Easy to understand and use
- Intuitive, simple design
- Clear documentation
- Hot reloading
- Binaries provided for download
- Future maintenance is easy
- Automated releases
suse-rancher-supportconfig by eminguez
Update: Live at
I finally didn't used golang but used gum instead
SUSE's supportconfig
support tool collects data from the SUSE Operating system. Rancher's
support tool does the same for RKE2/K3s.
Wouldn't be nice to have a way to run both and collect all data for SUSE based RKE2/K3s clusters? Wouldn't be even better with a fancy TUI tool like bubbletea?
Ideally the output should be an html page where you can see the logs/data directly from the browser.
- Familiarize myself with both
tools - Refresh my golang knowledge
- Have something that works at the end of the hackweek ("works" may vary
- Be better in naming things
All links provided above as well as huh
Implement a CLI tool for Trento - trentoctl by nkopliku
Implement a trentoctl
CLI for interacting with a trento installation
- learn rust
- implement an initial
tool to enhance trento automation - have fun
trento rust. TUIs listed on this other hackweek project Hack on rich terminal user interfaces
A CLI for Harvester by mohamed.belgaied
[comment]: # Harvester does not officially come with a CLI tool, the user is supposed to interact with Harvester mostly through the UI [comment]: # Though it is theoretically possible to use kubectl to interact with Harvester, the manipulation of Kubevirt YAML objects is absolutely not user friendly. [comment]: # Inspired by tools like multipass from Canonical to easily and rapidly create one of multiple VMs, I began the development of Harvester CLI. Currently, it works but Harvester CLI needs some love to be up-to-date with Harvester v1.0.2 and needs some bug fixes and improvements as well.
Project Description
Harvester CLI is a command line interface tool written in Go, designed to simplify interfacing with a Harvester cluster as a user. It is especially useful for testing purposes as you can easily and rapidly create VMs in Harvester by providing a simple command such as:
harvester vm create my-vm --count 5
to create 5 VMs named my-vm-01
to my-vm-05
Harvester CLI is functional but needs a number of improvements: up-to-date functionality with Harvester v1.0.2 (some minor issues right now), modifying the default behaviour to create an opensuse VM instead of an ubuntu VM, solve some bugs, etc.
Github Repo for Harvester CLI:
Done in previous Hackweeks
- Create a Github actions pipeline to automatically integrate Harvester CLI to Homebrew repositories: DONE
- Automatically package Harvester CLI for OpenSUSE / Redhat RPMs or DEBs: DONE
Goal for this Hackweek
The goal for this Hackweek is to bring Harvester CLI up-to-speed with latest Harvester versions (v1.3.X and v1.4.X), and improve the code quality as well as implement some simple features and bug fixes.
Some nice additions might be: * Improve handling of namespaced objects * Add features, such as network management or Load Balancer creation ? * Add more unit tests and, why not, e2e tests * Improve CI * Improve the overall code quality * Test the program and create issues for it
Issue list is here:
The project is written in Go, and using client-go
the Kubernetes Go Client libraries to communicate with the Harvester API (which is Kubernetes in fact).
Welcome contributions are:
- Testing it and creating issues
- Documentation
- Go code improvement
What you might learn
Harvester CLI might be interesting to you if you want to learn more about:
- GitHub Actions
- Harvester as a SUSE Product
- Go programming language
- Kubernetes API