As the user-space NFS provider, the NFS-Ganesha is wieldy use with serval projects. e.g. Longhorn/Rook. We want to create the Kubernetes Controller to make configuring NFS-Ganesha easy. This controller will let users configure NFS-Ganesha through different backends like VFS/CephFS.
- Create NFS-Ganesha Package on OBS: nfs-ganesha5, nfs-ganesha6
- Create NFS-Ganesha Container Image on OBS: Image
- Create a Kubernetes controller for NFS-Ganesha and support the VFS configuration on demand. Mammuthus
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Hack Week 24
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Rancher & Kubernetes Docs
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Development Tools
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Building and Installing the Plugin
- Set Environment Variables: Export the Rancher URL and API token:
export RANCHER_URL=""
export RANCHER_TOKEN="token-xxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- Build the Plugin: Compile the Go program:
go build -o kubectl-clone ./pkg/
- Install the Plugin:
Move the executable to a directory in your
mv kubectl-clone /usr/local/bin/
Ensure the file is executable:
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-clone
- Verify the Plugin Installation: Test the plugin by running:
kubectl clone --help
You should see the usage information for the kubectl-clone
Usage Examples
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kubectl clone --source-cluster c-abc123 --type deployment --name nginx-deployment --target-cluster c-def456 --new-name nginx-deployment-clone
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Install Uyuni on Kubernetes in cloud-native way by cbosdonnat
For now installing Uyuni on Kubernetes requires running mgradm
on a cluster node... which is not what users would do in the Kubernetes world. The idea is to implement an installation based only on helm charts and probably an operator.
Install Uyuni from Rancher UI.
code: Uyuni operator: