
This year I decided to start collecting game consoles and currently they are just sitting on shelves. It's some time I wanna make it more presentable. Create CAD models for proper stands for consoles, game discs and controllers. Maybe some LED lights if I feel like it. I have ordered HDMI mod for my Wii so if it arrives till HW, I'll have some more fun soldering. I have a spare PS3 casing so maybe I do some modding as well.


  • Create stand for my PSX console. If possible with some compartment in the back to keep the cables with console in one place
  • Create a vertical rack for all the controllers
  • Separate holder for Wii controller and nunchacks
  • Create a fashionable plug for missing memcard slot on Xbox360 - bought the console in poor condition


  • LED backlight for whole collection
  • Cut out PS3 logo and make a backlight for it
  • Install Wii HDMI mod if the package arrives in time
  • Install matrix modchip on Xbox360 if package arrives
  • Create a Serial IO cover for PSX


No resources needed. I have the power already in my mind and hands.

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 2 months ago: lpalovsky started this project.
  • 2 months ago: lpalovsky originated this project.

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