meson[0], a replacement to autotools, is very popular nowadays. It's a lot faster than autotools as far as what I hear and see. Besides lots of GNOME projects has been ported to meson. As one of the maintainers of GNOME Logs[1], I need learn meson and try to port Logs to meson for faster building.

*[0] *[1]

Looking for hackers with the skills:


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Hack Week 16


  • almost 7 years ago: yfjiang liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: aplazas liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: mwilck liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: paper318 liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: JonathanKang added keyword "meson" to this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: JonathanKang started this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: JonathanKang originated this project.

  • Comments

    • aplazas
      almost 7 years ago by aplazas | Reply

      It's going to be a pretty short project, I can assure you: it took me just a few days as a side project to learn it. I'm sure you'll love it! ☺

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