My music manager, Bard, was improved in the last hackweek with a very simple React-based web interface but I didn't like the result at all (basically, after learning React I noticed I didn't like it and all the dependencies and the complexity it added) so since then, I've reimplemented the web interface using just jQuery. Also, in the last months I've added musicbrainz data structures to the database (which was also ported to use Postgresql) to prepare bard to use MusicBrainz's data. I also stopped using other python libraries to read audio files and use the ffmpeg libraries directly instead with a c++ wrapper implemented inside Bard which is much much faster.
In this hackweek I'll try to finish the integration of Bard with MusicBrainz (basically, import the needed MB data to the database) and use it to generate a web interface that shows and uses that information to organize music. This would allow to show information and for example perform searches for songs not only on the main artist but also on performers or even mixer (see for an example all information available on this Queen album)
Additionally, I'd like to implement support for playlists in Bard, which would be a nice thing to have in the web interface.
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Hack Week 18
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