GitLab provides a bridge to connect to Gitter using an IRC client.
The source code is at
While it's not bad at all, it could get a lot of improvements such as:
- A help command
- Full WHO support (I improved it a little last weekend with a PR, but there's yet a lot to do)
- WHOIS support
- Implementing other IRC commands that could be useful (use your imagination!)
This project is part of:
Hack Week 19
about 5 years ago by juliogonzalezgil | Reply
Add support for VERSION command:
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obs-service-vendor_node_modules by cdimonaco
When building a javascript package for obs, one option is to use as source service to get the project npm dependencies available for package bulding.
obs-service-vendornodemodules aims to be a source service that vendors npm dependencies, installing them with npm install (optionally only production ones) and then creating a tar package of the installed dependencies.
The tar will be used as source in the package building definitions.
- Create an obs service package that vendors the npm dependencies as tar archive.
- Maybe add some macros to unpack the vendor package in the specfiles