
A comprehensive tool for swiftly deploying Rancher products (RKE, RKE2, K3s, Rancher), while also managing DevOps operations like DNS servers, proxy servers, local image registries, and more. It utilizes the GitHub API to fetch and deploy the latest or selected releases, while offering advanced features such as cluster data retrieval for health verification and a menu-driven command-line utility for TCP dump packet capture.


The goal of the project is to simplify the deployment of required products and enable easy replication of environments with exact product versions. Assist engineers in efficiently troubleshooting live Kubernetes environments.


Quick Deployment: Simplifies the deployment of Rancher products (RKE, RKE2, K3s, Rancher) and supporting tools like Helm and kubectl on Ubuntu OS.

Version Fetching: Utilizes the GitHub API to fetch and deploy the latest or selected releases.

Menu-Driven Interface: Provides an intuitive, menu-driven CLI for easy installation and configuration.

Architecture Detection: Automatically detects system architecture (AMD or ARM) and deploys compatible products.

Installation Validation: Ensures the successful completion of installations with built-in checks.

Live Environment Troubleshooting: Facilitates troubleshooting by analyzing cluster health, fetching logs for specific time windows, and understanding network status using a TCP dump utility.

Future Enhancements: Plans to introduce more options and extend features for greater flexibility.


Run the installer:

curl -sfL | sh -

This will clone the GitHub repository and install the dopsctl binary onto your machine. Please note that this operation requires root privileges, so it must be run as the root user or with sudo


  1. Run dopsctl and choose the desired installation option by entering the corresponding number.

  2. Follow the prompts to proceed with the deployment.

  3. Wait for the script to complete the deployment process.

  4. Verify the installation to ensure it was successful.




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  • 27 days ago: williamleo09 started this project.
  • 3 months ago: khushalchandak originated this project.

  • Comments

    • williamleo09
      27 days ago by williamleo09 | Reply

      It looks like "Dopsctl" is a powerful tool aimed at simplifying DevOps operations, particularly for Rancher products and Kubernetes environments. If you're looking for feedback or improvements, here are a few suggestions:

      Expand on Requirements – The "Requirements" section is empty. Specifying OS compatibility, dependencies, or any prerequisites would be helpful for users.

      Security Considerations – Since the installation requires root privileges, mentioning security best practices (e.g., verifying the script before execution) could be reassuring to users.

      Detailed Usage Instructions – While the basic steps are mentioned, providing an example scenario (e.g., deploying RKE2 with specific configurations) would make it easier for new users to understand.

      More Future Enhancements – You mention plans for future enhancements. If you have any concrete ideas (e.g., integration with monitoring tools, automation improvements), listing them could attract contributors.

      Would you like me to refine the description or create a more structured README format for better readability?

    • Jasbon
      26 days ago by Jasbon | Reply

      That looks like a solid DevOps tool for simplifying Rancher product deployments. Are you thinking about using Dopsctl for your own project, reviewing it for your podcast, or just exploring DevOps automation tools in general?

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