
Using K8s for managing VMs is a requirement in many environments, as not all applications are designed to be cloud-ready. Some projects like Kubevirt[1] and Virlet [2] aim to address this requirement. However, they introduce their own complexity, creating a parallel control plane for VMs. RancherVM [3] has a different approach, launching VMs as pods, but requires custom-built images.

The purpose of this project is a exploration of approaches for launching VMs using native Kubernetes mechanisms, using as a testbed the possibility of launching a CaaSP cluster as a set of VMs inside an existing CaaSP cluster.


Deploy a fully functional CaaSP cluster from an existing CaaSP cluster


[1] [2] [3]

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  • about 5 years ago: pchacin started this project.
  • about 5 years ago: pchacin originated this project.

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