
At my home we have solar PV hooked up to Victron inverter/chargers and a Redflow ZCell battery for energy storage. I've written a lot about this previously:

The two most recent posts in the series were reviews of the operation of the system over its first and second year. I'm now due to write up the third year of operation, which aside from whatever interesting figures I'm able to look at in terms of power generation and utilisation, also includes a battery failure and replacement, and the recent and disappointing demise of Redflow, the company that made my battery.


Go through a year's worth of notes I've kept regarding system operation, power outages, etc. plus power generation and utilisation figures, and turn all that into a nice long story that others will hopefully find interesting.

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  • 4 months ago: dmdiss liked this project.
  • 4 months ago: tserong started this project.
  • 4 months ago: tserong originated this project.

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    • tserong

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