openQA currently supports different architectures: x86(_64), ppc64le, aarch64 and s390x. In this project I would like to add support for RISC-V[1]. First emulated ontop of x86, like we previously did with aarch64. As openSUSE images for that processor are already generated, it could be useful to do some basic automated tests on them.

[1] RISC-V is a relatively new architecture that could compete with ARM SoCs.

EDIT of Mar 26th 2021: after many tests I was able to manually run a RISC-V with U-Boot+qemu-virt and EDK2+qemu-sifive on x86. I was able to boot the VM on openQA and see the serial console but I was not able to send characters on it... The main issue is that qemu backend doesn't support serial access directly (serial0 cannot be used to send character). My idea now will be to use the general_hw backend with a physical board like we are doing with RPi. HPE engineers are also working on a qemu-virt EDK2 support which should include a support for virtio-gpu-pci, that's would help a lot because in that case VNC could be used like on x86/aarch64/ppc64le.

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  • about 4 years ago: ldevulder originated this project.

  • Comments

    • mlnoga
      about 4 years ago by mlnoga | Reply

      Great idea. Maybe there's even a way to use a kind of hardware? I understand that several FPGA vendors already offer RISC-V configurations, e.g. this one claims 2GB DRAM and an 800 MHz clock.

      • ldevulder
        almost 4 years ago by ldevulder | Reply

        For a first version the idea is to use VM on x86_64 as the same way it was done for aarch64. Next yes real HW could be used, maybe by re-using what has been developed for RPi. This new board could be interesting to use instead of FPGA:

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