All featured topics in this Hack Week 565

docker 3

Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

dolomite 1

Explore all the projects about dolomite

dpdk 1

Explore all the projects about dpdk

dracut 1

Explore all the projects about dracut

drbd 1

Explore all the projects about drbd

e-ink 1

Explore all the projects about e-ink

ebpf 2

Explore all the projects about ebpf

electronics 1

Explore all the projects about electronics

elixir 1

Explore all the projects about elixir

elixir-lang 1

Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language that runs on the BEAM virtual machine used to implement the Erlang programming language.

embedded 1

Explore all the projects about embedded

emoji 1

Explore all the projects about emoji

emoticon 1

Explore all the projects about emoticon

emulator 1

Explore all the projects about emulator

esp32 2

Explore all the projects about esp32

financialprojection 1

Explore all the projects about financialprojection

firecracker 1

Explore all the projects about firecracker

firmware 1

Explore all the projects about firmware

flightsimulation 1

Explore all the projects about flightsimulation

floating-point 1

Explore all the projects about floating-point

flutter 1

Explore all the projects about flutter

formalverification 1

Explore all the projects about formalverification

fpga 1

Explore all the projects about fpga

framework 1

Explore all the projects about framework

frankencampus 1

Explore all the projects about frankencampus

frontend 1

Explore all the projects about frontend

fun 1

gamification 1

Explore all the projects about gamification

gaming 1

Explore all the projects about gaming

genai 1

Explore all the projects about genai

generativeai 1

Explore all the projects about generativeai

ghc 1

The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

gif 1

Explore all the projects about gif

github-ci 1

Explore all the projects about github-ci

github_actions 1

Explore all the projects about github_actions

gnome 1

A full, user-friendly desktop for Unix operating systems, based entirely on free software.

go 5

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google